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"She lying baby" Miracle said

"Nah tell me" he said

By now everyone was looking at them

"Im pregnant. 2 months to be exact but idk if its yours" she said quickly

I looked at Xavier and he had no emotion but you could see the vains
Popping out his neck.

"Get your shit out my house and leave we done" he said

He walked out and she started crying

"This is all your fault hoe" she said then slapped Deja

Deja got up and punched her in the face and sent blows to her face.

"Dont hurt the baby" she said

"Bitch i dont give a fuck about that damn baby" Deja said still hitting her

I got deja and pulled her off with Chris help

"I have to go, but tell Deja to call me when she get a chance" i said giving him my number to give Deja

"Ight" Chris said

I left and seen Xavier sitting in his car.

I knock on the window and he unlocked the door. I got in.

"Im not about to ask if you okay, but forget about that shit. She a hoe for that shit. Dont stress over it. In 7 months you will know if the baby is yours but for now forget it" I said getting straight to the point

"You right." He said

"I know" i said

He smiled

"Im about to go, but hit my line when you wanna hang again without Miracle" i said and got out

I walked to my car and drove off and went home.

"Mom" i yelled

"Girl, you better stop yelling in my house" my mom said

I smiled and kissed her cheek

"Im going to work, ill be back tonight. And take this" i said pulling out 12,000 and Giving it to her.

"Thanks bbygirl, ill see you later" she said

I changed then grabbed my gun and left to the trap.

"Why yall looking at me like that" i ask walking in

"Uhhh...someone stole" one of the girls said

I looked at her and my eyes widened

"And you let them get away!" I yelled at her

"Kaliyah, im sorry. We never noticed until we heard a car drive off fast" she said

"Get out of here. Ill handle it. Tell your mom and your daughter i said hi" I said

She smiled

"Thanks, ill give you half my pay" she said

"Nah, its cool just go" i said

She left

I wasnt about to kill her. She got a 3 year old Lil girl and her mom is the sweetest to me. I may be a Trap Goddess but i dont always have to be hard.

"Look Im going to find out, and if i dont i will be cutting y'all pay short for the next month" i said then walked to my office.

I got on my computer and checked the cameras.

I looked it was 2 guys the name was FK.

I walked out and got in my car then drove to Xavier's house.

"Hey" he said

"Hey i need your help" i said

"Whats up" he asked

"So your in a gang right" i asked

He nodded

"Whats it called... I wanna join" I said

"Uhhh...no girls allowed ma. And Fear Killers. Hbu"he asked

"Pretty Bitch Gang" I stood up and grabbed my gun out my waist and pointing it at him

"Yall stole from me, and i want my shit back" i said

"Yo chill, you not gonna shoot that" he said

"Bet" i said taking it off safety

"I had no part of that, but i can help you get it back." He said

I shook my head and was about to shoot but he tackled me to the ground

We wrestled around for the gun

He grabbed it and put it away then pinned me against the floor.

"I just fucking said, I AINT HAVE SHIT TO DO WITH IT" he yelled

I tried pulling him off me

"Get the fuck off me" i said

"Look, either i help you get yo shit back, or you get it back yourself and that won't be easy cause ill tell my boys you coming for them" he said

I rolled my eyes

He looked at me up and down

"You sexy asf, when you mad" he said kissing my neck

I closed my eyes and bit my lip

He kissed me up to my lips and kissed me then let go.

"Ill meet you tomorrow here" i said

He smirked and nodded

I went up to him

"Just dont start shit, you cant finish" i whispered in his ear then left.

I drove home it was about 2:30am.

I went straight to the bathroom and took a shower.

I got out and put on my underwear and a big t-shirt then went to sleep.

Miracle in MM

His Trap QueenWhere stories live. Discover now