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I woke up and slowly unwrapped Xavier's hand from around my waist.
I went to the bathroom and grabbed an extra toothbrush and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I went downstairs and started cooking breakfast.

Once it was done he came down and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"My baby can cook" he said

"Im not your baby, and yes i can" i said turning around

"Why you not my baby" he asked

"Cause me and you both know, you not gonna stop fucking with your hoes. And im not gonna get hurt again" I said

He stayed quiet

I fixed my plate and ate then washed the dishes and went upstairs to take a shower and got dressed.

"Kaliyah you mad at me" Xavier asked coming in the room

"Nope. I dont expect you to drop all your hoes if we not together. thats why im not tryna be in a relationship with you" i said

He grabbed my arm

"Who said i wouldnt" He said

I shrugged not really caring.I grabbed my bag then left. I drove to see my mom. The doctor had called last night and said she was up.I walked in her room.

"You feeling better" i asked her

"Yes baby, i will be fine, stop worrying" she said

"Marcus said he will take you home, so ill try to stop by tonight" i said

She nodded

I kissed her forehead and left.

I went to the trap to see if my girls found any information.

"We found the guy" my girls said

They gave me his address and i went to his house.

I knocked on the door and a little boy about 14 answered.

"Is Will here" i asked him

"No" he answered

"I'm a old friend but thanks" I said before walking away.

I called up a few people and told them to hit his house up tonight when his kids are sleep.

I then drove back to The trap and handled business.

I didn't care if this nigga had kids. No one gets away with fucking around wit my family. My mom is my number one.

Xavier p.o.v.

After Liyah left I got a text from one of my sides saying they wanted to talk.

I got dressed and drove over to her house.

I knocked on the door and she answered in her bra and panties.

"What do you want Karlie" i asked her

"You" she said

I walked in and went right to work on her.

"Bye xavier" Karlie said putting on her clothes

I walked out and drove back home and took a shower.

Just then Kaliyah walked in.

"Hey" she said

I looked at her.

Damn she is so fine.

"Im going out with my friend, so ill be back later tonight" She said

"Ight"I said

She went upstairs.

I went upstairs after her and seen her laying down in bed.

I took off my shirt and got in bed with her, wrapping my arm around her waist.

Kaliyah p.o.v

I got up and took a shower then took out some black leggings with my white Halter top and my air force 1s.

I put my hair in a bun with my hoop earrings.

"Bye Zay" I said

"Dont be dancing on no niggas" He said

"Dont be fucking any bitches" I said then left.

I drove to Lucky's strip club and met my girl.

"Hey girl" i said hugging her

"Liyah, its been a while" she said hugging me back

We went inside and sat down.

A girl came over to us and started dancing around us.

"Can you give my friend Karlie a lap dance" i asked her

She nodded and slowly walked over to her and did her thing.

Karlie liked girls and boys (bisexual). I didnt have a problem with that, just as long as she didnt try that shit on me.

I seen the girl grab Karlies hand and lead her to the back room.

I gave her a thumbs up and drank some of my drink.

Karlie p.o.v.

The girl led me to the back room and started giving me a lap dance, just as she was about to get off.

I got up and ran to the trash in the room and started throwing up.

"Are you okay" the girl asked

"Yeah" i said getting up and wiling my mouth with a napkin.

I walked out after she gave me her number and went to Kaliyah.

"What happen" she ask

"I threw up" i said

She got up and drove me home then left.

I brushed my teeth then showered and got in some boy shorts and a shirt.

I decided to text that girl from the club earlier.

To bigbooty- Hey wanna come over and make me feel better

From Bigbooty- yeah send me your address ill be over in 10 mins.

I sent her my address and waited.

10 mins later she knocked on the door and i opened it.

"Damn, you tryna look good for me" I asked

She giggled

She followed me upstairs and we cuddled until she fell asleep.

Xavier in MM as Lucas Coly

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