Chapter One- The legend begins
''maebh, my love are you here?'' A young man called into the horizon. Alastar a young farmer wanders along the cliffside waiting his blonde curls flitter in the breeze coming from the nearby causeway below. He was nervous about seeing Maebh again they both knew that the love they share was forbidden. She was the daughter of villages Chief, her father had already found her a suitor whom Alastar did not know.He turns around lost in thought and he sees her running towards him. Her beautiful auburn hair flew and flickered in the wind as she rushed towards him.
She threw her arms around Alaster and hugged him tight which winded him a little. Alaster lifted her chin and saw that her rosy cheeks were stained with tears which made her eyes shine more than the emeralds around her neck. ''Alaster we have to leave! He's coming for me.'' She sobs into his chest again. ''Who's coming for you maebh?'' Alastar holds her to comfort his love. Even in sadness her beauty compares to no other maiden in Ireland perhaps even on the whole earth. Maebh steps back and dries her eyes on her sleeve. "My suitor, he is on his way to the village he has requested we marry as soon as possible, I have to leave here and live in his palace on the other side of the ocean," Maebh starts crying again.
The lovers hear voices nearing them and they start to panic. "My horse is nearby we shall ride away into the woods where nobody can find us. I cannot give you riches but I can give you love and nothing else compares to my love for you maebh!" Alastar pulls Maebh close and kisses her lips with the fire and passion inside. All of a sudden there's a crash of thunder and Alastar falls to the ground. His eyes Frozen in fear Maebh quickly discovers he is dead. Standing before her is Aengus the God of Love staring at her, his eyes were the deepest of blue filled with anger and lust. His Deep red curls were stiff in the breeze with his wing unfurled glittering pearls in the evening sunlight. Aengus picked up the body of unsuspecting Alastar and threw him over the cliff into the causeway below.
Young Maebh fell to her knees and wept at the cliffside. Aengus lifted her hand and pulled her to her feet. " Maebh. You beauty is captivating however you have betrayed me as your' suitor. For this ultimate mislay of my trust I should punish you accordingly with immediate death. Fortunately your' father spoke fondly of your beauty and for that you will still become my bride." The God reached for her cheek and kissed her forehead. "With my kiss of love I curse you and your female descendants with the incapability to love a man. The curse will break when a female descendant discovers your sordid secrets and learns the true meaning of love. So it be written so it shall be."Aengus pulls his new wife towards him and with another clap of thunder he flies with her over the causeway to start a new life overseas. Never to be seen again.
However little did young Maebh know she was with child. When aenegus discovered about the pregnancy he wanted to destroy the child in her womb, when he sat in his thoughts he realised this was the key to the curse. "The child is her first descendant my curse will be fulfilled." Maebh never knew of aengus' plan.
9 months on she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. She called him Caiside as his hair reminded him of Alaster's floppy curls she loved. She nurtured the baby and he filled her world with love and joy, without her beloved Caiside her world was filled with sadness and abuse from her husband.
One night when Caiside was 5 Aengus took the child back to Ireland to be raised by Maebh's family where his curse can begin. To keep the curse through the family's bloodline Maebh's descendants would have two children a girl and a boy. The boy would find love to carry on the blood line, the girl however no matter how beautiful would suffer the fate of his curse and never find love.
For centuries the family continued with the curse with the young maidens suffering more than the last. Aengus would always be there when the young maiden was suffering the most smiling, he would see most of them take their own lives. He would then be there with the spirits along with Arawn the god of death to guide them into the other world where they can watch all the girls of the Caiside family suffer a terrible fate as they did. Sometimes the woman of the family would finally marry and have children but she would never be happy. Some became religious and remained married to their faith. The rest were damned to be unloved and alone.
As the years went on Aengus stopped watching the maidens until about the late 20th century when one descendant was born in 1994. He remembers this birth quite well as Maebh was present and absorbed herself into the young infants soul. This act of defiance of Maebh's spirit unnerved the God as he sensed change in the curse.
The years went on and the child named Lydia Caiside grew into a lovely intelligent little girl whom everyone loved. She played 2 instruments violin and piano, sang in her school choirs and love to read and paint. Watching her grow Aengus saw more and more of his cursed wife in her spirit. This made him angry.As Lydia grew into a young lady her personality traits were different to her peers, she felt more spiritual than her friends, more connected to her roots. She also noticed that she wasn't bothered much about guys until she reached about 15 years of age. Lydia found her first boyfriend through a friend his name was James. He was her first in everything and they had something special but they were young and foolish. They got engaged after Lydia messed things up which was something she was not proud of and haunted her. Then there was Liam again another nice guy but they were both foolish as Lydia had just broken up with James after another fight. They had a blissful three months together. However she still had feeling for James and then messed that up too.
Then there was Theo the guitar music fanatic. they had fun together and enjoyed eachother. As the weeks turned into months Lydia noticed that she was making all the effort and she didn't like that. Eventually that relationship broke down. After about 7 months she found Lea from the valleys they lasted around 14 months and even went on holiday together but didn't work out. Then she Met peter and their relationship was perfect but he cheated on her repeatedly and lost her trust and eventually her love. Then there was Barry which was a nice relationship that nobody approved of, after they eventually spilt Lydia realised over the years she had developed into a head strong 21 year old that was more mature than her years. she had spent 6 years in and out of relationships and realised she needed time for herself and with her friends and family. she knew something had to change. By this time other gods like Morrigan goddess of war and the Good God Dagda took noticed of this woman tainted by a curse so ancient and foul. They watched her closely however they were not the only gods watching her.
The Cherry Slayer Curse
FantasyAs young Lydia Valentine starts to give up on dating she discovers something odd in her family tree.. With the help of her close friends and new found love will Lydia finally break her family curse and be able to find love or has the curse of Aengu...