Darkness Consumes the World

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I laid in the heaven like bed, hoping that it wasn't time to get up just yet. I had felt lips kiss my forehead a bit ago meaning that Genji was leaving me before I could wake up. Last night was amazing, we didn't go any further then kissing. Genji wanted me to be completely ready not unsure about anything. Which I was grateful for, I wasn't sure I was ready for that just yet. I wondered what my life would hold in store now especially this day. I mean... what if I or Genji see each other by accident and get caught? Would he be punished for it? Would I have competition? There was a soft knock on the door as I grumbled turning over in the bed were Genji was just moments before. I was absolutely exhausted. The knocks grew louder as I sighed and got up knowing I shouldn't keep them waiting. I opened the huge door to see Kumori standing there fully dressed and ready to go with a huge grin on her face. I half smiled still not fully woken up yet. Kumori walked in while saying

"Well good morning Sunshine! We must hurry now, you got a couple minutes extra, mother woke up late."

I rubbed my eyes as I followed Kumori as she grabbed a simple dark blue dress from the closet that actually matched hers perfectly. I pulled on the dress as Kumori was fixing her make up waiting for me. God, I must have been slow compared to them, yet again I was a human still. Kumori came over as she pulled my hair up in an elegant bun with my bangs down. Kumori twirled me around as she looked at my face closely making me a bit nervous. Then Kumori grabs my arm while walking out of the room while saying

"You are lucky that your makeup stays on so long, I swear if I put any on its gone off my face in two seconds."

Kumori and I walked down towards the front doors as I asked her softly

"So what all goes on when you and Queen Cielia go into town? Also why?"

Kumori looked at me with a smile as she replies 

"Mother, wanted to help out the town instead of just ruling it. She can't stand to see people begging and starving to death. She had decided centuries ago that she would get the cooks to make several baskets of food to last a family for one week. Our death totals decreased each year by hundreds by coming out here every other week. She also loves to have conversations with everyone making sure that everything they need is being given. "

My mind was shocked, I was loving Queen Cielia each and every day more and more. She was a saint, so caring and loving. All of a sudden Ciela appeared by our sides looking a bit frantic that she had woke up so late. Cielia quickly rushed us to get into the car as we rode towards the town. I had sat next to Ciela as Kumori sat across from us. The ride was a bit quiet but still not uncomfortable. Cielia placed her hand on my leg getting my attention. She smiled down at me as she says softly

"When we get there we will start handing out baskets, get to know the people as well show that you care for them. Also, do not let your guard down, Yurie. There are one that still hate us and will do anything to harm us. Stay close to Kumori or I at all times, you are still vulnerable to all of this."

We had been out here for at least three hours. I do have say, these people were so down to earth and grateful for the King and Queen. Why would anyone try to harm them? I was waiting for the car to return with more baskets as I watched Cielia in admiration, she actually deeply cared for everyone. I then heard someone fall as something fall with them and scatter across the floor. I looked over seeing a dark shadow of a women go down a dark alley way as an elderly woman was trying to pick herself up as well as her food. My heart wrenched at the sight seeing her shaking barely even being able to hold herself up. I looked back seeing that Kumori and Cielia were still busy and the woman was a bit far from them. I decided to break a few rules as I rushed over to the lady grabbing two apples and an orange that had rolled away from her. I got close to her holding the fruit out. She reached out as she began to thank me till her eyes connected with mine. The woman gasped out loudly throwing herself back away from as her fruits dropped to the ground again. I was worried as I quickly asked her

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