the 3rd day

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On the third day I got  to go home after another doctor gave me a checkup.  When I got out I would still have to go to my regular doctor for checkups for a couple weeks."OK, " Dr. Brown started. "Dr. Ramirez, is going to give you a checkup today at oh, i don't know, 3:30, 4:00."  "Who"s he" asked my mom. "He"s a doctor that works with heads a lot."  he replied as he left. "I hope I get to go home today!" I said. "I miss my friends!"  " I'm sure you will honey."   my mom said as she kissed my head. " What time is it?" I asked."1:00."                                                                                                                                                                                            

When Dr. Ramirez got here, he took my blood pressure, listened to my heart, looked down my throat, in my ears,and at my eyes. "Do you see anything wrong?" asked mom.  "I don't see anything wrong ." I sighed in relief. " but just to be sure, I"ll check your pulse and have x-rays done." "Okay, how long will it take ?" "About 45minutes."  answered Dr. Ramirez "I will give you two about 15 minutes and I will be back to do the x-rays and the blood test, okay?" "okay." mom answered quitley . 

When Dr. Ramirez left, my mom looked at me and said "you're going to be okay,...sweetie ." "I know , I am." "Good." my mom said hugging me. When she finally let  go of me, i reached down and grabbed my laptop. i went straight to youtube. I had to listen to my fav. band One Direction! "Diana,One Direction." i clicked on the first one, which had pictures and lyrics. i sat there staring at all 5 of the boys. I opened a new tab, so I could check my e-mail.

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 12, 2014 ⏰

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