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  • Dedicated to all the kind souls who supported this story


                                                    {we meet again}

              I just looked at him, not uttering a word not a sound from either of us. The awkward silence between us grew even more tense. After what seemed like years of torturing silence he pulled out the chair and sat down. His green eyes never leaving mine, he placed his jacket between us. I didn’t say anything nor did I move I just sat there waiting for him to do the next move.

              He lifted his hand to attract the waiters attention, soon enough she saw him. As she made her way, swinging her hips left and right partly I longed to hear her voice, maybe it would break the silence.

 “Hi, can I have some coffee.”

            While ordering I couldn’t be more jealousy when she started flirting with him, to make matters worse he flirted back. What a douchbag! Soon she left, surprisingly to say I was relieved. He turned his attention back to me, trying to hide my discomfort I smiled

                 “You have a beautiful smile” he complimented adding to my discomfort. Moving slightly in my chair “thank you” I replied.

                  “I’m Nate” he stuck his hand out for a hand shake, looking at it I meet it halfway “Aubrey”

                  He smiled. The pretty waitress soon made her way back, as she placed his coffee on the table I saw her slide a piece of paper to him. How rude. We both went silent for a while as if we were gathering our thought or at least I was. As my mind wondered about things and life itself, I heard him clear his voice “Mmm” I turn my attention back to him. His cup half full “I asked what you doing here all alone?”

I looked at him straight in the eye before shying away “I went out for a walk and found myself here.”

               He looks at me, then laughs “Really? well something is telling me something is wrong, who died?” he asks sipping his coffee.

             Awkwardly moving in my chair “no-one died. Can’t a girl go out for a walk?” I look at him stupidly awaiting his answer. He sits there for a moment then “it’s just that your mind seems to be a thousand miles away from here.”

                   “Well it’s not. I’m just fine.” I reply a little too harsh than I intended.

“Why are you being so defensive then?”

                      “I’m not.”

“You are.”

                     “Why do you care?I snapped back

“Don’t answer that! You know something; it’s none of your business what I’m worrying about. Just leave me alone okay” I was now angry. Who the hell is he to question me?

                       Bloody stalker I muttered before walking away

“I heard that.” He shouted after me.

                  “I don’t care!” I shouted back before stomping out the café, the nerve of him. The truth hurts, like a knife being twisted through your heart. I wasn’t angry at him for sticking his nose in my business I’m angry because it’s true. Lately since losing Luke, I can’t stop thinking about my life. My whole life came crushing down; I started to question my existence.

                 Why? Was the question that lingered in my mind. Why did God bring me here only to suffer? Surely He knows everything but it looks like He too has turned a blind eye to my troubles. Maybe he gets tired of hearing us mourn all the time that just like the rest of us, it doesn’t bother him that much anymore. Or maybe I’m wrong.

                   I wondered through the streets for while longer before deciding to go back home. It not much of a home either, ever since I lost my job I’ve had to settle for the home to the nation; the shelter at 5th avenue. Don’t get me wrong, its great work they doing and I’m grateful I have a roof over my head. Privacy is the issue, they just assume that since you leave there you need to share you life story with them. I didn’t come here looking for a shoulder to cry one nor did I come here so I could tell the world my story.


                                               authors note

thank you all for the amazing support. this cahpter is dedicated to all of you for being such kind souls.

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