II: Alex

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I felt bad for leaving Jade behind, but I couldn't really do much about it. The Director had messaged me to come right away, which meant it was urgent. When I finally stopped in front of what we'd begun collectively referring to as 'The Room', I checked the time on my phone. "One minute twenty-two," I muttered to myself. "That's a new record."

I took a deep breath before knocking on the door, which swung open immediately. I stepped inside; Mordekai, Will, and a few of the older agents whose names I didn't know were already sitting at the conference table. Director Jackson sat at the head of the table, looking impatient. "It's about time," he grunted, gesturing for me to sit, which I did.

"Now that we're all here," the Director began, "it's time we discussed Codename ARCHANGEL."

There was a collective intake of breath. There'd been rumors and mutterings about the project, but nothing official. I had a feeling it was the reason that Jade's parents had to leave for the time being, but I didn't say anything about it.

The Director continued as soon as it was silent again. "Unfortunately, our time frame for the completion of ARCHANGEL has been reduced drastically."

"How much is 'drastically'?" asked Will. I somewhat admired his bravery.

"It means we no longer have three months to operate. We have three days."

Everyone started muttering once again. "So," he interjected, "we have no choice but to choose an agent to perform the-"

He was interrupted as the door opened; I felt a mixture of relief and panic when I saw that it was Jade. What is she-I thought, then realized what my mistake was. I was so distracted, I gave her directions here, instead of the stairs!

Jade looked like she was going to curl up in a ball and die of embarrassment right then and there. I couldn't help but feel bad for her. "Hi," she said. Her voice shook a bit, but she remained steady. "Sorry. Wrong door, I think. I hope I'm not interrupting anything important?"

To my surprise, the Director gestured for her to come in. She did, albeit a bit hesitantly. "You must be the Ryder's daughter," he mused. "Perfect. You're just what we need."

"Wh-what?" she asked, surprised. She shot me a confused look; I could only shrug my shoulders in response. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, we need someone who they won't expect. Someone who could get in undetected and therefore exit with ease. And you're perfect for that."

"What?" she said again. But she surprised me-her gray eyes hardened with resolve. "Explain what exactly I've just gotten myself into." As if startled by her own words, she added, "Please."

"That's not necessary. Everything will be explained to you later." The Director's tone of voice made it clear the topic was closed. "All you need to know is that you are an important part of this project, and that any questions you have will be directed to your instructor, who will explain everything tomorrow."

Jade sighed. I felt bad for her; I understood how the Director had a way of making you feel lost, and that you had no choice in the matter. Regrettably, the latter was entirely true in this case. He'd made it clear she did have no choice in the situation.

"Fine," she muttered before turning around and leaving. I groaned internally. This was going to take a lot of explaining.

I cleared my throat. "Director, if I may so request..."

"Yes, Agent Nichols?"

I grumbled at the formal tone, but continued nonetheless. "Might I be Jade-Ms. Ryder's-instructor?"

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