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I kicked and thrashed as the riot officer dragged me outside, his buddies hauling Will and Taylor close behind. Damien strode in front of us. Millions of thoughts ran through my head, but the most predominate one was, Well, fuck.

The knot of dread in my gut strengthened when I spotted Mordekai and Jade struggling against two more officers; Pierce followed, taking large, arrogant steps. He stopped, pivoted on his heel, and pulled out a gun. A gun that was nearly identical to Jade's BB revolver, with the one huge difference-it was very much real. He gestured with it, and the officer holding me shoved me forward, sending me straight into the icy ground. I tried to get up, but stopped when I felt the cold barrel against my head.

"Now," Pierce announced dramatically. "I want one thing, and one thing only. Give me the files, or the girl dies."

"Never," I spat, although my voice quivered. Mordekai and Taylor both echoed my words, but Jade and Will remained silent.

"Huh," he said, "stubborn, aren't we?" Click. He pulled back the hammer. I gulped. "What a shame."

Jade fought against the officer restraining her and shouted, "Don't!"

Pierce gestured again, and the officer pushed her away; she stumbled into the snow, standing up unsteadily. "Don't," she repeated shakily, stepping forward. I didn't like where she was going with this. 'I have a plan,' she'd said. I worried what that plan might be. Especially after she'd given me- "Take the files. Take them. Just leave us be!"

She threw the USB at Pierce's feet. He stooped over and picked them up, twirling the gun in his hand; he'd uncocked the gun. There was a collective sigh of relief from my companions, although the tension was high. Suddenly, he swept forward and grabbed her, wrapping his arm around her neck, and forced the gun against her temple. She yelped. I tried to react, but Damien himself pulled me away. I growled under my breath.

Pierce pressed harder on the gun and grinned wickedly. "Wow. It was that easy. Who'd'a thunk! I should have tried this ages ago, pulled the weed at the roots. Isn't that right, Jackson?"

I bit my lip as I saw the Director emerge from the cover. He stood next to Pierce. "Indeed," he said coldly. "But now we can keep it from growing, yes? There's only one way, of course. Kill the Ryder spawn."

"I was planning on it," Pierce replied, gritting his teeth. "Any last words, girl?"

Jade's eyes met mine. They were brimming with fear, but also with guilt. Just like at the school. I should have realized. This had been her plan, hadn't it? But she hadn't expected this to happen...

A tear rolled down her cheek. She held my gaze and choked out, "I'm so sorry, Alex."

Four small words. How could they have such a vast, horrible effect? Everything slowed down, yet the world spun around me at an alarming rate. I felt dizzy. Tears streamed down my face as I lunged forward, only to be held back.

"Our work here is done." I could barely hear the words over the ringing in my ears. I distinctly registered the sounds of sirens-an ambulance. But it wouldn't help. Damien let go of my arms. I tried to run to Jade, but...




I looked up as Will walked into the lobby. I could tell the news he bore was anything but good-his eyes were red and puffy from crying. I probably looked no better-after all, all of us looked like that. I was the only one left in the lobby, though. I was glad he'd stayed with me.

He said those same words. Those same four, dreadful words. "I'm so sorry, Alex," he murmured, shaking his head solemnly. "I'm so sorry. She's-she's gone."

Four haunting words.

And a new set of nightmares.

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