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I walk further into the box. I quickly spin around to look at everything. "This is crazy." I whisper to myself. Clara looks up at me, "You got that right.". I laugh, "Yeah, but not weird like aliens, or supernatural. I mean for Gods sake I date a vampire. Weird like I can't figure it out, and there's no logical reason for it.". Clara looks shocked. "A vampire!" She gasps. "His names Aiden." I say with a smile smile. Just thinking about him made me smile. "Do you remember being fifteen and in love, Clara?" The Doctor asks suddenly, breaking the silence that had formed. "I do remember, you always remember your first love." Clara laughs lightly. "I was actually thirteen when I first fell in love, and it was with him." I state. Clara and the Doctor's jaws drop, and I start laughing. "You're joking, right?" Clara asked. I shake my head. The Doctor and Clara share a look, and then look back at me. I just smile at them. "Go to your room, young lady." The Doctor says all the sudden in a snappy voice. The Doctor looked up slowly at me, "I meant you, Ms. Winchester.". I nod. "Down the hall, turn left, and it's the second door on the right hand side." Clara read from a scene. I start to walk away, but decide to listen in on them instead. I quickly turned the corner. Only to turn back, and slide down the wall listening to them. "She's not at all how I remember her." The Doctor sighs. "That was ten years ago, Doctor." Clara laughs, "She's changed, so what.". "Ten years! what the holy heck do they mean?" I think. The Doctor cuts off my thoughts, "I suppose you are right, Clara, because the girl I knew was young and sweet.". "Tell me the story." Clara says. "Okay." The Doctor says. "She was crying about a man going to die. Told me, he was werewolf, but he was out so long one cold night he caught a terrible disease. So he wasn't healing, and was now going to die because of it. I told her I could help, and Rose begged me too. And, of course, I couldn't let Rose and the young girl down so I did. I can't remember his name now though. I looked at the brave young girl and asked for her name. She.......... " I walked out and cut him off; now having fully remembered, that is. "The mans name was Lahey, Isaac Lahey." I say. "I replied the the strange man and his's young blonde friend. 'My name's Winchester, Isabelle V. Winchester'. To that the blonde, Rose, asked. 'What's the V for Victory?'. and to that I answered, 'No for Victoria. It was my grandmother's name. She died when my mom was a teenager.'. Mom called me into the apartment building say Isaac's fever was gone and that he was better. The last words for the Doctor was one day we might meet again Miss Winchester." I finish the story for him. "I told you to go to bed." The Doctor scowls. "Sorry I'm going." I say putting my hands up surrendering. I leave the room and run to find mine.


Isabelle's back!

I changed her middle name for this book because I felt like it. Even if Victoria is SCARY as heck.

The Doctor and Izzy will have a strange friendship.

Bye - Iz out

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