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Chapter 1
Ben and Jasmine had made it to the kingdom hours later. He was fustrated and angry, because everything he once knew was a lie. His mom, and his dad were his kidnappers. The King and Queen had so much to offer him and he just left. There was only one thing that kept him sain and that was Jasmine.
She was the only thing that made him want to keep trying to find out more things, and he was pretty sure that he liked her. There was some strange connection between him and her, but he could never wrap his fingers around it.
Jasmine nudged his shoulder and pointed towards the castle.
"Sweet mother of-"
Ben looked to where she was pointing, and saw the horrid image. The castle was destroyed, burned to a crisp, smoke surrounded the wooden draw bridge. Lifeless bodies lay everywhere around the entrance.
He quickly steared downward and landed close to the castle. They jumped off of Spartak and ran towards the building in search of any survivor's. Jasmine ran past him and kneeled down towards a body. Their face was pale and, their eyes were barely open. Ben walked behind her and looked closer. He gasped at the sight of it. The person was his mother (the Queen). He edged around her and knelt at her side. While kneeling down he gently placed his hand on her cheek. She looked up at him, and with great effort, tried to lift her arm. Tears rolled down her face now.
"I couldn't find you-" she gagged, ",but I tried."
"It's okay."
"They were too strong. Our gaurds couldn't hold them back-" she looked up towards the clouds, "They took your father and-"
"Don't strain yourself."
She took a long breath, and reached out for Jasmine's hand.
"She'll keep you company, just don't let her go." She managed to smile.
Ben looked at the two and smiled.
The Queen looked could barly breath.
"I... I love you. Son." She said easing her eyes to meet his.
"I. I love you too. Mom."
Her eyes drifted closed, and her body lay stiff. Ben placed his hand on her heart to take away the pain, but it didn't effect her. He slowly took his hand away from her cheek, leaned down, and kissed her forehead. Jasmine wrapped her arms around him as he leaned up.
"I never even got to know her." He said fighting back tears.
Jasmine didn't know what to say. She just sat there rubbing his back, thinking of what all happened to him that week.
"Can I just get some time, to say goodbye."
She nodded her head and walked away.
After a while Ben slowly picked up her body and carried her out into the field. He dug a shallow grave and laid her inside. He walked further away from her body and picked flowers that he had seen days ago.
He looked back at her face one more time, and walked away.
Ben left the kingdom with Jasmine, in silence.

Chapter 2
Jasmine had made many failed attempts to speak to Ben, but finnaly she broke the silence.
"Where are we going?" She asked.
"I have no idea."
"I know a place that's safe... We built it together as kids." She looked out into the distance.
"Do you know how to fly a Dragon?"
"No. But I can show you the directions."  She moved further up, to where she was directly behind him.
Ben awkwardly sat forward as she reached her arms around him.

She showed him the directions, an they had made it half way to their destination.
They had a wonderful veiw of the sunset. It was peaceful to look into the distance. The ocean glistened as the sun hit it, and the waves bounced off the shore's so fiercely that both of them heard it.
Jasmine pointed towards a small island in the middle of water and Ben steared down and landed.

Ben hesitantly got off and helped Jasmine down. He looked at the beauty of the island. There were tents and food bars. Jacuzzis at every corner, and multiple buildings spread around. Jasmine stood in front of him and smiled.
"You remember this place?" She said enthusiastically.
"No... Its just nice."
"Oh." She said while looking down, "Then let me show you around."
She started walking towards one of the buildings. It was made of bambo, and straw. She stepped inside and Ben was behind her. He looked around the darkened room, and  searched for a light switch.
Jasmine went directly to it, and the room brightened.
There were at least 5 cabinets filled with food, in the wall. She walked up to one, and grabbed 2 of each thing inside. Chips, sodas, candy, pies, and multiple other junk foods stretched out on a small coffee table as she sat them all down.
"Help yourself to anything. I know that you are very hungry."
In that instant, Ben grabbed a bag of  chips, and began to eat them, one by one.
"It's weird how you remember so little of us." She took a small bite of a candy bar and walked over towards the light switch. She pushed a button next to it it, and a set of table and chairs formed from the floor.
Ben looked in amazement and pulled out a chair for her. She sat down and  clicked a green button that was included on a panel of other buttons and a small refrigerator slid up from between the table. He sat in front of her and tried not to stare at her.
"Are there any places to sleep here?" He asked while looking out of the window.
She stood, picked up the sodas from the coffee table, and laid them inside the fridge.
"Do you want to go to them now?" Jasmine asked.
"Yes." Ben said while swallowing a the last bit of chips.
Ben stood up and followed as she walked out the door.

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