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A few days had passed since Misty had arrived. Sky always made sure that she didn't do anything to offend Enderlox. The strange thing was, you hadn't seen a single hunter. Sometimes you'd see them maybe once a week, and they wouldn't find you luckily. How strange, maybe they gave up looking. You were asleep with Enderlox, and you were both cuddling each other closely. Suddenly, you heard a yell. "GUYS WAKE UP!" Wither yelled. Your eyes snapped open and you got up, yawning. Enderlox didn't move, so you flicked him, causing him to mumble a soft "ow". He woke up and put on a shirt. You went out and went over to Wither. "What's the problem?" You asked. "T-the kids... They're gone!" He panicked. Your eyes widened and you gasped. "T-they can't be! Maybe they're just hiding!" You tried to not worry, but they were your kids, of course you were worried. "What happened.....?" Enderlox walked out finally. "Your kids are GONE." Wither glared at him. Enderlox tilted his head, saying, "You're kidding." Wither shoved Enderlox, obviously angry. "THIS IS NOT A JOKE! THEY COULD BE DEAD!" He yelled. The others had woken up by now and had quickly caught on to what happened. You ran out of the cave, hearing Enderlox yell for you. You ignored him and looked everywhere for the kids. They were no where to be found. You then saw mud tracks on the ground, the little ones were them. Then you found others that looked like an adult. They had been captured by the hunters. Your first five dead and now your only ones left captured. You felt horrible. You fell to your knees, you were past tears. Enderlox found you and saw the tracks, and he couldn't speak. Wither and Sky had followed him and saw as well. "We'll get them back... I-I promise!" Sky tried to calm you down. It was no use. "I can't believe it..." Wither mumbled. Something in you snapped. Your eyes turned to flames and you yelled out in frustration, pounding the ground with your fists, which were in flames as well. "IT'S NOT FAIR! WE DIDN'T EVER DO ANYTHING TO THEM!" You screamed in anger. Tears streamed down your face at this point. Enderlox quickly ran over to you and hugged you, wrapping his tail around you. You cried into his chest, your eyes and hands normal. "I-it's not fair..." You whimpered. "I know babe... But it's how they wanna play the game. We're getting our children back, no matter how hard it is. I promise you," Enderlox whispered, Then looked up at Sky and Wither, "Get your best armour and your best weapons. They want war, so we'll give it to them."

(Sorry if it's short! I had to update it before sleeping. I'll try to update tomorrow as well. If you have any ideas, leave them in the comments or message me!)

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