13- Laurance

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I don't know how Aphmau managed to save my life twice in one day. If she does have magicks it must of drained her a lot. That would explain why she passed out.

"Laurance, you still there?" Garroth asks waving a armoured hand in my face.

"Hm yeah," I reply, I actually don't know what happened.

"Okay if you were listening what did I ask you?" Garroth asks.


"I asked you is you wanted to join the Phoenix Drop guards since it looks like your aren't going back to Meteli any time soon,"

"Really?" I ask, excitement in my voice, that would mean that I would be with Aphmau everyday.

"Yep," I think Garroth smiled but his helm is hiding it.

"Of course I would!" I smile.

"Great you start now," Garroth hands me an emerald sword and shield, exactly like my old ones.

At least I have weapons again. Now I get to protect Aphmau, this time I'm not going to let what happened to my father happen to her. I promise.


I was rushing over to Aphmau's temporary house till this Kawaii~Chan girl builds her new house. I would if helped but Kawaii~Chan insisted that I didn't.

Aphmau's temporary house was quiet same, but then again it was just her and Levin living in it. Her father is still missing, I feel sorry for her. Her life has been miserable ever since she moved. First she has to go to the Nether to save the crazy Chicken Shaman then I got stuck in the Nether for who knows how long, then finally her house gets destroyed by Zenix.

As I knock on Aphmau's house I hear the footsteps of someone running. Someone opens the door, the person isn't tall enough to be seen but is tall enough to reach the doorknob. I look down a bit.

"Hi Levin," I smile.

"Oh Laurance, hi," Aphmau smiles as she picks up Levin in her arms.

"I wanted to know," I pause and breath, "if you wanted to hang out later today to talk about your unknown magicks."

"Sure I'll ask Zoey to take care of Levin for a bit, does after super work?" Aphmau asks as she smiles, that's what I like about her, she's always so cheerful.

"I'll see you then," I smile and she closes the door.

That's not how I wanted that to turn out but at least I can talk to her, alone without that pesky Garroth around hearing every single thing I say. I'm to scared to tell her my feelings, even if it was both me and her.

I should really start writing stuff down, just in case something happens. I rush to Emmalynn's house to see if she has any spare empty books.


"I do have one, but why do you want it?" Emmalynn asks as she reaches for a dark green covered book.

"So I can write in it," I say slowly.

"You want to become an author, that's great," Emmalynn cheers.

"I guess you could say that," I reach for the book in her hands.

It's leather with a tie so it can be closed. It feels like it's pages has been crumpled. Maybe from being on the shelf too long? I open the door and walk out, sitting right beside the step. I should write my first entry.


Nope scratch that.

Entry 1


I look at the sun, it's rays getting in my eyes. I covered my eyes with my sleeve and get up from my sitting position. Guess I should go get Aphmau now.

I walk over to her temporary house and knock. Zoey answers.

"Sorry Laurance, we finished early so she went to go find you, she said something about meeting you by the docks," Zoey smiles and closes the door.

I look around her house, she must of left pretty early for her to be at the docks already. I rush off towards the docks.


The sun still gleams in my eyes, it's beautiful colours making me smile a bit. I spot the wooden dock not far from the hill Aphmau will live on again once Kawaii~Chan builds her house.

I see something sitting by the water, it has to be Aphmau. I slowly make my way over to her, the sand moving underneath my feet.

"Your here, I was wondering when you would come," Aphmau sighs as she stares at the sunset.   

Her black hair flows behind her as a soft breeze comes, I know that this is her favourite season since every fall we've been together for she was always the happiest. I sit beside her and she hums a soft toon.

"So about your magicks," I begin.

"Can we talk about something else, right now is just perfect,"

"Perfect for what?" I ask.

"For me to do this!" A voice yells, no.

I stand up quickly and grab my emerald sword from my waist. I know that voice, it's Gene's. He runs at me sharp red sword in his hand and another in his other hand. He's always duel wielded swords, never had a shield.

"Aphmau run!" I yell.

All I could see was her stand up and slip on some sand before Gene rushed towards me. Time to start and end this battle, right here and now.

"You win this time!" Gene yells as he retreats back into the forest.

I collapse onto the sand, the emerald sword by my side. Night had fallen during the battle, I'm just glad it was only on the sand and not anywhere else. I'm also glad it was just him, if it was Sasha she would of won because she was the one who trained me the most in the Nether.

Well that was an unexpected battle.

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