Bonus Chapter for 1k Followers (Aphmau) REWRITE

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I slightly closed my diary, so much has happened in the time that I've known Laurance. So much that I can't explain, not even all the words in my diary can explain it. I can't even explain what I try to say when I'm around him, even if it's already been twelve years. Levin's grown and so has Malachi. It's crazy though, I'd never thought I'd be married to the first person who actually became my friend. I guess it was just fate, or maybe it was just our hearts telling us what to do instead of our brains. Love is weird like that. One minute you could be best friends, then in the next few years you're getting married to them.

A knock at my door made me break out of my thoughts. I smiled as he walked in, his light brown hair as messy as it was when I first saw him. He looked cute like that though. Not that he isn't always cute! He is! Maybe I should stop talking to myself?

"How's it going?" Laurance asked, placing his emerald sword up against the wall. His eyes still blue, I would of thought that they would change back to green after awhile. Guess they never did.

"Good," I answered. Closing my diary and hiding it behind my back. I've had it since I met Laurance, and there's some things I would like to be kept a secret.

"What's that behind your back?" Laurance asked, a small smirk on his face. "Is that a diary? Has Aphmau been keeping secrets from me?"

"No!" I yelled, at least not now. I was when we were younger.

"Come Aph, let me see," Laurance whined, trying to take a peek at my diary I was hiding behind my back.

"No!" I yelled, grabbing it and hugging it with all my might.

I felt something tickle my sides and I bursted out laughing, dropping my diary. Letting Laurance grab it and flip to the very first page.


Dear Diary,
I met a boy today. His name was Laurance, he was getting beat up by some boys near the village. I stopped them. After all Father told me it's not nice to beat someone up, even if you don't like them. Laurance seems nice, he said he was something called an orphan. Someone who doesn't have a family, I feel sorry for him. Maybe he could become a part of our family!


Dear Diary,
I saw Laurance today, he seemed happy to see me. I'm glad, he needs a friend and I could be it. I've only known him for a couple of days but he already seems like he's family. Maybe one day he will be!


Dear Diary,
Gosh, it's almost been a year since I wrote in here. I saw Laurance the other day, I couldn't be anymore nervous. If I wasn't so young I probably would've confessed to actually liking him. He's a year older than me though, at least I think so. I always get this feeling around him, like butterflies. It's weird.


Dear Diary,
I have to move, but at least Laurance got adopted. We'll only be...farther apart. *Tear drops litter the page*


Dear Diary,
Irene, how long has been? Eleven? Twelve years? Whatever. I saw Laurance today, he had fiery red hair, personally I liked him better with the brown. But he still gives me butterflies. WHY CAN'T THEY GO AWAY!?


Dear Diary,
Wow, almost thirteen years ago I met Laurance, and now I see how far we've come. And now I know for a fact that I am in love with that kid who I saved from bullies all those years ago. And I know he loves me too.


*The rest of the pages are blank but the last one*

I guess I should've written more without missing all those days. Heh, maybe I'll write a book. It'd be a very cheesy love story though. I'm laughing just thinking about it. I'm now married to the man of my dreams, that guy I saved by those bullies all those years ago. And I'm glad I did. Because I love him, with all my heart.


Laurance smiled as he closed the book. And I smiled back. Because I now know that my happily ever after came true.

And I did it! I rewrote the really dark ending and made it happy. Honestly I wasn't really happy with that one so I made it happy. Hope you guys enjoyed!


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