Emma Mare

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I was stuck as a Mare. She died I made sure. I waited for my body to become normal. When it didn't work I galloped out of the Great hall.

I cryed. I wanna be human. "Emma? What's wrong?" I heard Harry ask. I turned to see him. Doesn't he know? I see Hermonie run up to me.

"Emma I'm gonna give you speach but you must preform this spell!"

I nod and took in speach. I walked into the Great Hall. I started to sing. I got to the front and stood tall. A blast of magic formed. I was surrounded by yellow magic. My bones cracked and I looked at my bare human hands. My legs were bare also. My stomich was also bare. Uh oh. I was blown back and I stopped singing. I hit a wall and fell on my side. It was the teachers who got me off the ground. Snape took off his cape and wrapped it around me. My blonde hair fell in my face it was curlyer the usual but I don't care. Mogonigal took me down the ile making sure I wouldn't be followed.

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