The Coffee Shop

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We were in new clothes to blend into the city. I seen a message to Draco telling him I was in London and will met him at big ben. I was heading there with the trio back at the Coffee shop. I saw him on the steps. I ran over and up the steps. He looked up and smiled.

"The girl did.......I'm not going to marry her. I'm already taken....I'm gonna marry you...." He says. I sat next to him. I kissed him on the cheek.

"The Deatheaters attack us Draco...." I say. "Ron's brother was getting marryed...." He listen with the sorry eyes. "We almost died....but thanks to theese we didn't" I say talking about the gems. We heard a large exsplotion towards the Coffee shop. I stood up and so did Draco.

"Harry....." I say in breath. Draco looks at me. I look at him. We start sprinting. We reached a short cut ally. Half way threw the ally we were stopped. By anouther deatheater.

"Good Job Draco but this was my job..." He says. I look back at Draco who shrugs. I morph into a dog and growl. The deatheater backs away. I grab his leg and wack him agenst the wall. I morphed back sprinting again. I ran streight into Harry.

"What happened!"

"Deatheaters attacked us." He exsplained. I look at Draco who can only frown. I twirled my hand turning two gold coins into 2 pound. I took two coins and went to a phone.

"Yeah,can I get 3 rooms....alright were on our way."

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