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His eyes were green. It was the first thing Death noticed as he peered down at his newborn son.

Death turned away in revulsion.

"Green eyes," he spat. "We don't have green eyes!"

"Shhh," his wife, Willow, responded gently. "These are the eyes of the prophesy."

"Yes," Death swung around to face her. "And if you understood the prophesy correctly, my dear, you'd know these eyes would be his undoing!"


Her hair was beautiful. It shimmered in the glowing sunlight like a bold star.

Farwon and Sarah Death gasped as they watched the tiny stubble of hair glittering on her head.

"It'll darken to a deep gold in time." Sarah comforted her husband.

Farwon's usually hopeful, brown eyes clouded in disgust as he looked down at the little girl.

"Yes Sarah," he closed his pained eyes. "But how can she fight with that hair?"

"She's the child of the prophesy, as the midwife said," Sarah reminded him. "She'll find a way."

"I wish I had your innocent thoughts," Farwon's face was grim. "For I can't stop remembering how her charming, blonde hair will bring her great harm!

"It's a curse, Sarah."

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