Make it Official

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August P.O.V
So we at prom but she not her.Then everybody gasped which made me look up to see Lauryn looking so beautiful. Tiara,Kelly,Bec,and Re walked up to her hugging her I walked up to Nathan and said the bet is off.He looked at me crazy like I am a stranger.He said why I said I'm catching feelings for her and its just messed up she been hurt enough.He was like alright and just walked away laughing. She walked up to me and was like you look nice.I said you look amazing I have a question for you lay.Before I could finish they announced prom queen and king.Prom king is August Alsina. Prom queen is Lauryn Taylor she looked so happy.I hope she say yes wait am I falling for a girl.

TT(Tiara) P.O.V
My name is Tiara I'm 17 years I'm 5'7 I'm got long hair blue eyes and braces.My best friends are Re,Lay,Bec,and KeKe.I live with my mom and step dad.I have a wealthy family,I have a crush on Nathan.I have a loud mouth.I have trust issues from my last relationship with this guy named Michael. I am going to ask Nathan out before school gets out in two days good thing is August his homeboy likes lay so we can talk when they talk.

Rebecca P.O.V
Hi my name is Rebecca, my twin is Becca. We look exactly alike she just got black.She is one of my best friends.I have brown hair and light brown eyes.I have a big butt and a outgoing personality.My best friends are Lay,KeKe,TT,and Bec.I have a crush on Nate. August is my fake brother and we are really close.I'm 5'8 I'm 17 and have trust issues.
Tiara in multimedia

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