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Re P.O.V
2 months later
So me and Nate have some news.Everybody like what y'all want I'm sleepy I'm like its 2:00pm.We like we getting married.They like congrats and Laurie was sleep so she didn't here nothing her and Aug still didn't get back together. They not dating anyone either so when in see them together you can feel that they miss each other and are trying to show off.But he proposed last week Laurie woke up and went to the bathroom and didn't come out until 30 minutes later she got the shower and everyone was just looking at her and she just put her headphones on and just started crying. Bec got up and started crying with her for no reason Aug looked at me and I was crying.We know that cry she hurting something happening.She got up walked to Aug and said your baby mama giving birth.She grabbed her purse and car keys and left.Everybody got up and followed her and Aug. We was at the hospital and Aug was in the delivery room with Mika and he came out crying and smiling saying their here.Their names is Ausmir and Aubrielle

Laurie P.O.V
It is heartbreaking to see the man I love having kids with someone else.Last month I wanted to get back together but now I'm second guessing it.I missed him every since I left and I have always been crying saying why did he do this to me he was a nice guy when we first met now he changed to a jerk.So we go in and see the babies and they look like Tyler but I don't want anyone saying I'm jealous and stuff.I love Aug and I hope he see it I was about to cry seeing him with someone else and them might becoming a family.I get up and say bye nice life and walked out the room.Aug came and hugged and passionately kissed me and walked back in the room.His lips are so soft I go back to the hotel and he text me saying we are back together right?I'm not sure Anthony we can talk tommorow now he tagged me in a video on instagram singing again by fetty wap. I text him congrats and turned my phone off and got in the shower I want to take a nap.I woke up at 6:30 and Aug was laying next to me.I pushed away and went to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle and turned around to a kiss.I pushed him but he didn't pugged he just kept kissing me I just kissed back and said leave me alone lil boy.I moved away and said leave me alone please how did you get in anyway.He said the housekeeper let me in for my next concert tickets for her daughter.We can talk about us tommorow just go home lil boy.He said nope I'm sleeping here and theres nothing he can do about it.
Aubrielle and Ausmir in multimedia

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