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I was bored...and this happened...
"Would you like to hear a story, child?" The Grandmother asked her grandchild.

"Yes Granny!" The child exclaimed.

"This is the story of a warrior. A story of his pain. Would you like to hear that one?"


"Okay. This story is called Bleeding in the Stars." The grandmother started, "There was once a warrior. His name was Seba (say-bah). He was about fifteen when his life changed drastically. He lived a nice, quiet life for those fifteen years. Him and his parents weren't rich, but they had a single level house. He kept to himself most of the time, only showing happiness. He wasn't popular, but he wasn't one of the 'weird' kids. On his fifteenth birthday, he came home, only to find that his mother wasn't there. He called her cell phone, but it went straight to voicemail. He called his dad, but he was at work. The dad answered but didn't know where Seba's mother was. He waited about 2 hours before his dad finally came home. Seba's father decided it would be best to just wait it out. Later that night, Seba's father got a phone call. Seba's mother was in the hospital. A drunk driver crashed into her, and her car flipped. Seba and his father rushed to the hospital. His mother was in critical condition. The doctor told them that the chance of her surviving was very, very slim. Seba and his father went home after visiting. His father seemed so out of it. His father didn't concentrate on anything he was doing. Two days later, Seba's mother passed away in the hospital. It was Sunday and Seba was chilling on the couch and watching TV. Seba's father came home with a beer in his hand. Seba asked his father where he had been, but got no answer. The next couple of weeks, Seba's father did nothing but drink beer and tell Seba to get out of his face. Seba's father fell into depression. Seba had started missing a lot of school, so he got put into a foster home. All Seba's friends hated him now at school. Seba's new mother, Claire, was nice until he had been there for about a month. Claire had started beating Seba for no reason at all. The abuse got worse and worse. Seba then fell into depression, after hearing that his dad committed suicide. Seba started cutting and locked himself in his room. One of Seba's teachers reported seeing the bruises and cuts and such. Seba got moved to a different home. This time, he was at peace. He made a few friends at school and picked up a couple hobbies. He even joined a club. Six years later, he was 22 and just got married, and even had a baby. His life was so fun and peaceful raising his kid and having his wife. Then, his six year old daughter got a disease. No doctor could figure out what she had. His daughter now only had a week to live. Seba took his daughter on a road trip with his wife. He went everywhere his daughter wanted to go. She then passed. Seba lived again peacefully until he was 85. Seba's wife passed away, she was also 85. Seba had nothing else to live for. He wrote a note and then commit suicide. The note read; Dear whoever, I have lived a terrible life, but in the end, I now realize how many good moments I had. I am now going to join my wife and daughter. I'm off to the stars... Goodbye. -Seba."

"Granny! He wasn't a warrior! And also, that story was too sad." The child said as she started to cry.

"Now, now. It's okay. Yes, he was a warrior. A warrior is not a knight in armor. A warrior isn't the guy who saves the princess. A warrior is someone who has to fight for happiness." The grandmother explained

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