Chapter 27- To Forget...

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Stampy's P.O.V.

I wake up to some happy laughter in the hall. It takes a while before I register that I'm on the couch. Once I do, I stretch and walk over to Ash and Netty. I rub the last bit of sleep from my eyes and give Squid a quick kiss. "Hey!"Netty exclaims when she looks at me. I smile. "Hi Netty, Going up to Nathan and Skye?"I ask with a sleepy tone in my voice. Netty blushes and nods. "They're asleep, but you can wake them if you want" I say and follow Ash and Squid into the kitchen. I make us all a cup of tea and we sit down on the couch. " So about the event..."  Ash begins. "It will be the frst event without Sqaishey" Squid adds. His voice sounds depressed. I grab his and. "We are coming" I say to Ash. He grins. "good, and so is everyone else I believe" 

After talking for another hour, we decide to head to the local bar for a drink. I put on my coat and follow Squid to the hall. Netty asks if she can stay to watch the children. I give her a hug and thank her, before heading out te door. "This will be an opportunity to try and forget everything that is happening"Squid whispers in my ear. I slowly nod, not knowing what to say to that. We enter the "The jolly rooster" and sit at the bar. Ordering a beer each.  I let the bubbly liquid fill my body with warmth and my head with happiness. I am laughing more at everything. Squid seems to be forgetting his sadness and joins in with the drinking. Ash decides to order shots. " Let's play a game" He shouts in my ear. I laugh and tell Squid to join in. "You have t guess what I'm saying, and if you get it rwrong you have to take a shot" Ash exclaims. "I'll start"  

After three shots I feel my head spining. "Ash!"I yell. Ash turns around laughing. "What mate?" "I think we should go, I'm getting a weird feeling"  I shout in his ear, trying to understand what I'm saying. "Okay, just one more each!" He says, and orders three beers. I can vaguely see him putting something in the drinks, but I take one and look at Squids sweaty forehead before drinking the whole thing in one . Ash grins and we walk out of the bar. "  We shoould head to myy appartment"  I manage to say once we are outside in the freezing air. "Netty is watchinng the kiddsz" 


I look deep into his hazel and green eyes, breathing heavily and feeling itense lust. Stampy is panting. I see a flash of our hot and sweaty chests touching. Heat is readiating from under the blankets. We continue to make out, I pull my hand through his sweaty curls and moan loudly. "Oh my god, Joseph  I"

I sit up. My head immeadiately disagrees and starts spinning. I lie back down and press my hands against the side of my head, trying to stop the headache. Once the worst pain fades away, I open my eyes and everything slowly focuses. My house? What the.... I look around me and register my room. My room? My bed. On the floor is a heap of clothes. My clothes!  I feel my head going red and check. Yep. I'm naked alright. A loud snort next to me makes me jump, and signals that there is something else in the bed. I jump up and look at Stampy. What the hell? Why am I here, why is he here? I quickly grab one of my shirts from the floor and put them on. Why can't I find my underwear? Did we....Did we do it? Oh god. Oh no. Oh no. I feel another blush rise to my cheeks. Stampy has also woken up. He Looks around for a while not registering anything. His eyes stop on me. He is going to realise in close y eyes and pen them again. Stampy lifts up the blankets and glances down. His face turns bright red. And serious, but mostly red. I try and get rid of the blur in my head, but nothing helps. Stampy just stares and doesnt move an inch. " I.. Am going to find my underwear"I say, before eagerly rushing out the room. I quickly run down the stairs, and into the living room. I stuble upon lots of empty beer cans. Why can't I remember buying all this beer?  I glance around. I have this feeling I am forgetting something. I mean, I don't remember anything from yesterday, but there is something I'm missing.  I spot my boxers on a heap of blankets on the couch. Why...did I take them off over there? I pace over to them and grab them. At the same moment the heap of blanket rolls over on top of me and I crash onto the ground. "Wha...what? Oh my god mate are you okay?"  I lift my head u to see ash's hungover face appear above mine. "H..Hi. I'm fine" I choke, I forgot Ash. Ash is here.  Ökay, well get up and... ahh.....uhh" I stand up and feel his eyes taking in my body. I quickly put on my underwear. Luckily I was wearing a shirt.  I am just about to head up the stairs when I hear ash calling from my working room. "Mate, were the snake and spider cages always open like this?" 

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