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The big blue lake appeared that was a signature sign Sherwood was near. And if you cared to look any closer you could see the reflection of the kites high above, before even getting there.

And if you cares to think a little bit more than usual, you could firmly make a glorious assumption that the feeling of being there was light hearted and happy. Something that Amar was addicted to.

The sky was a pasty orange with barren red scattered about and the lonely violet making its return. You could faintly see the coming of stars, doing its daily ceremony in space.

New stars would come and old stars would go, but you can't really tell because on earth they all glow.

Amar found a comfy area on the grass leant up against his car, waiting for his cousins to arrive so they can just be a family, without all the funeral cost and depressive thinking about his father.

His father was an ex marine who came back surely fucked up. His dreams would be scattered with war and violence. He wouldn't sleep for days and would just sit there on the couch and re runs of last night game were playing.

Throughout the house the faint snores of a tiring day and the TV playing loud to drown out the want of sleeping.

He killed himself around when Amar was fourteen. A bullet straight in the side of his brain. It splattered on all the family pictures and medals.

But that was 6 years ago and Amar was over it,but not completely over it. Anyone could tell, by his whispers of Fràncisco, the war hero who couldn't sleep and eventually did for a very long time.

. . .

The cousins arrives but this year brought there own kites, so Amar was left to his own comfort watching the triplets fight over whose was better.

It brought hard laughs and spurts of giggles to his tía and tío's face.

In the distance Amar could hear the soft base of SZA's Hiijack and decided to sing along.

"You are a fucking horrible singer" The deep, but feminine giggles he oh so missed came from around the car.


He loved her name as much as his mothers and Amara wanted to name all his future kids Sofía.

"Ha, sorry" His face became bright red and his heart started beating and his hands started to get clammy-

"If it makes you feel any better, You are the best worst singer I have ever heard"

This time Amar was with the giggles, and then he full on started laughing, which made Jasmine and now both were just enchanted by a laughing spell that overcame them when they were together.

After a while the laughs died down and they just stared at each other, grasping as many details as possible.

Today she was wearing a black sweater with boyfriend jeans and no makeup, as far as Amar could tell. When she yawned you could see dark lines of stretch marks on her hips.

He noticed a little tattoo on her hips as well, but could barely make it out.

He also noticed the not so discreet over bite that forced her to shut her mouth or it would unconsciously hang open. She was "flawed", but in a weird artsy sort of way. The way that artist would paint or sing about that one girl who wasn't perfect, but perfect for them.

She was that type of art.

The art that had people wondering who these artist were describing.

The type of art that only they knew answer.

The type of art that Amar just wanted to sing that same tune or paint the same painting, but with Jasmine as his muse and her "flaws" as his driven.

"So I was know maybe if you wanted to hit that fro-yo place along Hill drive"

The girl had the look in her eyes, scared of him saying no or rejecting her. The same look that abused puppies would give you at the pound. You just new they have been through something. And couldn't say no to.

"Sure, let's go"

Amar said bye to his family and got into his car and waited for Jasmine to pull out so he could follow.

Remembering to ask her what the hell was the with the bright graphics on her bright red car.

Yayayayaya more Jasmar hope you likely.

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