Chapter 3 : Hair red like fire

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That fire again!It burned my past and now my present!What's wrong with fire?What's wrong with me?

I opened my eyes slowly and I tried to figure out where I was...After a few seconds I realized I was on a hospital! Suddenly a girl hugged me and said my name in relief!
"Madison!You woke up! :)", she said really happy and almost crying! :')
"Who are you and why I am on a hospital? And why do you hug me?",I said trying to understand.
"Oh my God", she said socked and called the doctor to come.
When the doctor came he did some checks to me and then he said:
"My dear you may have memory loss because of the accident but it's nothing to worry about as it's not a permanent situation...your memory would return in a few days...It's like a miracle that you are alive and you haven't got any serious injury despite of the accident..."
I tried to remember and understand what accident is referring to and then that girl started talking to me:
"Madison... I'm Jane- your best friend .You were in a comma for a whole month and you finally woke up!"
I couldn't understand so I asked about the accident but she hesitated to talk...The doctor advised her to be silent as the memories would return soon and then it would be really difficult for me!
Jane tried to change the subject and asked me about the different color of my hair...I couldn't understand what did she mean so she gave me a mirror...My face had some crushes and my hair was red!I don't remember having red hair was brown...That was really weird!
"Your hair is fantastic! This bright red color is better than brown!"
"Yes, thanks!", I said thoughtful.
"When did you dyed your hair?", Jane asked.
"Well, I don't remember!"

When the night came I couldn't sleep as a result of nightmares!Fire was hunting my dreams !I saw a house in flames and a young girl crying and screaming!Then I saw an airplane in flames and me in fire...Yes fire became one with my body!Fire was everywhere...!!!I started sweating and I woke up with my heart beating like a drum!I knew that these dreams meant something!Suddenly my hands were in flames and my eyes were acking as they were in flames too...I thought I was still sleeping but I wasn't. I couldn't understand how that was possible and I screamed really loud ! After some seconds the fire on me disappeared and became smoke!The doctor came and gave me a calming shot...He immediately understood that my memory started coming....Jane was really worried about me!I saw a tear falling in her cheek before I closed my eyes and sleeped really deep!

After a couple of days I woke up like a completely different person!My memory was back and pain filled my ♥ heart!I got informed that I was the only survivor of the tragedy with the flight and the rest of the passengers were dead!I couldn't believe it!It was a miracle that I was alive...How could I live with that weight in my heart ♥? I could have been dead!Why am I still alive?This fire destroys me, something is wrong with me and it's fire's fault!I had so many things to understand...Why the color of my hair changed?Why my eyes and hands could be in fire?That's impossible!!!I hoped that everything was just a bad dream and when I wake up I would be happy and fine as I used to be...but the terrible reality is that this isn't a dream!...I need to find out what's going on ...It's like fire follows me trying to destroy my present and future too. I lost my parents, I lost my home and now, if I won't recover fast, I might lose my job! Jane is really supporting to me, she repeats all the time that I am really strong and I am going to get through it!I started visiting a psychologist to help me recover mentally so that I could return to Suncity for my job!I need the job so much that I can't let my tragic experiences destroy my career! This time things are way too tough to struggle with. As Jane said, I ought to be strong and try to handle my problems cause if I don't I'll turn to a miserable girl who is always sad and full of bad luck!The psychologist is really helpful!Maybe in a few weeks I would return to NCIS! I hope that when I return I would be the same person as I was!

Hey guys ;) We hope you like our Chapter and sorry we were so late to public it! We hope you give us a star or leave us a comment :) The following Chapter won't be late!
Bye bye

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