Chapter 2 : A flight of flames

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Last time I was on Suncity was in my parents funeral and now I have to work there and get after my past and my pain!A familiar voice stopped my train of thoughts!

"Madison? Are you ok?", Jane asked me .
" Just fine!", I replied.
" Think positive my dear and everything will be fine!You are going to meet other people and don't forget your new partners!"

Jane is one of the most optimistic people I know and we are friends from school here in London! I didn't have many friends at the beginning as I was from America and my British accent sucked plus I was quite antisocial but Jane came and we became best friends!I know her from a little kid and when we finished school and we graduated from The Criminalogy University, we found a job and became partners!Our goodbye was hard but she was happy for my promotion and she believed in my strength and courage to face my terrible past!

Finally Thursday came and it was a really sunny day!I wanted to go outside, to go for a walk and have fun only realizing that I couldn't!I had to travel!I had packed my suitcase earlier this morning and I started checking my iphone,my handsfree,my passport, my I.D.,my purse,my keys,my lip-gloss,my tissues,my tickets...I'm ready...Let's go!I left my apartment after I had payed my bills to the landlady... I run on the streets towards the bus station dragging my wheel-suitcase!!! I was in such a rush that I didn't see where I was going so I bumped on something hard...Then I realized that "this hard" was a man's chest...
"What the hell!", the man said really annoyed!
"Oh I'm so sorry....I was looking down and I didn't see you!", I started apologizing.
"You spilled my coffee in my t-shirt!I am a mess now...", the man face turned into a shade of red obviously because he was angry!
" I am really sorry!I didn't mean to... I really have to go!", I said running away, trying to forget his shinny blue eyes who were looking me with anger!
"Next time open your now, run...who will bump on to me next?"

I continued my run and I reached the bus station...If I had come one minute later I would have missed it!I got in and after 15 minutes I was at the airport!After I completed all the appropriate checks I heared " Flight A1202 for America is ready to leave"

I left my suitcase in a special room and I got on my plane!I took my seat and a big breath and I calculated on how many hours I would be in Suncity...I tried to relax a bit and think positive as Jane said, so I closed my eyes. I opened them after a while cause something started smelling really bad!I tried to ignore that but I wasn't the only one who smelled smoke...or something burning...I wasn't sure. We had two hours flight left and I wasn't sure if I could stand that smell for long. Someone asked the flight assistant about this but she said that it's nothing to worry about. I couldn't think about that smell, I had to concentrate on my serious problems...A man who was seating next to me started a converstasion with me:
"Hi!I am Marco!"
"Madison! Nice to meet you!"
"This flight would take a couple of hours...I am going to America for business!You?"
"I got promotion from my work and now I am moving to America!"
"What is your work?"
"NCIS agent"
"Oh, I see!"
Suddenly a heavy sound interrupted our talk!I started having a bad feeling...The flight assistant tried to be calm and ensured us that everything is fine but I could see her trying to hide her fear, but it was visible in her eyes! Oh my Lord!What's happening?After some minutes some other noises followed...And before we even noticed the plane started losing height!The atmosphere was stressful and every passenger started panicking, screaming and praying!Now the flight assistant couldn't keep us calm as she was panicked too.She was going on the pilots room many times and it seemed like there was a serious problem...She took a big breath and spoke on the microphone:
" There is a problem in one of the engines, we have called the Control Tower and they are going to help us as soon as possible!Please calm down and don't forget to have fastened your belts!And...."
A heavy sound interrupted her talk and we started losing height too fast...One of the engines was in flames!I didn't scream, I didn't panic...Although I knew that I might die with all the others I was speechless and my face was full of tears...The fire in the engine went everywhere in the plane and as we were falling the plane erupted!Before I felt light headed, I was on the ground and fire was everywhere!
That fire again!It burned my past and now my present!What's wrong with fire?What's wrong with me?

Hey guys!We hope this Chapter is a bit interesting and you give us a star or leave us a comment! Madison's flight turned into a nightmare and fire always appears and destroys everything!Wait until the next Chapter to find out what happens to Madison next!
See yaa ;);)

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