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Here are some other items that are equally as important as food or even water. Th list is below:

- Weapons.

-Food. Now, canned goods are easy to find and to get, but they also weigh you down. I would recommend you to try and get your hands on some astronaught food. It can be found online and possibly at stores. Sadly, I'm not sure where you would find them. You can also get Peanut Butter and some crackers, it has nutrients and a healthy sodium amount.


-Water Purifier. It can be found in Walmart and possibly at Academy. If you can't find one, you can also boil your water.

- Night Vision Goggles. If you are finding a shelter, getting supplies, or you're on the run, night vision goggles will come in handy. Instead of using a flashlight that can be seen, Night Vison Goggles are a smarter choice. They can be found in Academy and Walmart.


-Energy Drinks. Even though they're bad for you, you want to have energy and you'll eventually be restless during the apocalypse.

-Epinephrine/EpiPen. A medication for allergic reactions, it can be found in a hospital. The best use for this is for pure adrenaline. Only use it when you absolutely HAVE TO, for if you use too much it'll kill you. I'm not sure if it comes in a pill, but it does come in a self-injection. I repeat, it can be found in a HOSPITAL.

-A helmet. If you get bit my a zombie while wearing a helmet, take it OFF PLEASE!

-Flint. It can be found in rocks. Break open the rocks and you will see it has a glassy look to it. The outside of the rock may look like Limestone.  To make a fire with it, grab some dry wood and some dry wood shavings, and a REAL silver pocketknife. The pocketknife can be found basically ANYWHERE! Take your opened flint stone, and get a blade from the pocket knife out. Now, strike the blade down onto the stone until you see sparks. Keep doing that until your wood shavings smolder, or produce smoke. Keep adding bits of dry wood to your pile until you have a nice,warm fire going!

- Matches.


- Running Shoes.

- Backpack/Duffel Bag or any carrying thing.

-Jacket. I recommend it to be a leather jacket or something with a tough service. The tougher it is, the lesser chance you have at being bitten.

-Toilet paper!

-A dog. I know it's not an item, but a dog has good sense of smell and when the dog smells something, it will alert you. Beware, a zombie dog is very dangerous! If you encounter one, I advise you to knock off its limbs before going for the head.

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