Crash (optional Bias)

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"I'm sorry, we did all we could but he may not be able to open his eyes again... He is in a deep coma."

Those were the words the doctor said on that day, that fucking day that took my life away from me...

It has been 3 years since then...


It was our honeymoon, the supposedly happiest moment in our life. We just got married after 5 years of dating and we couldn't be more happy. He booked a fly to Paris, the city of love, and I remember how much we laughed on the plane... not knowing what was awaiting for us.

It happened so suddenly.

The pilot told us that there may be some disturbances because of the weather. I was kind of thrilled about it while HE was trying to keep his calm, not wanting to alarm me. I still remember when I took his hand and kissed it... I still remember when he smiled back at me... I still remember when he told me not to worry.... but what I remember the most was the sound of the thunder that filled the air while the lightning was striking the plane's wing right beside his window.

Then... Chaos.

The passengers started a real riot as we were all feeling the apparel lose altitude. He didn't let go of my hand, he told me to wear my belt, but it was stuck.

- Fuck those intelligent airplanes !

And as he was shouting that, he got up and made me change seats with him. He put HIS belt around me and sat down still holding on my hand. I remember myself asking him to take his seat back, I remember trying to unbelt my seat, I remember his hands stopping mine from moving, but what I remember the most is his lips on mine, his smiling face and the three words he whispered to my ears...

I couldn't answer him.... the crash happened at that moment so I couldn't open my mouth and this might be the biggest regret I ever had... I couldn't say "I love you too".


3 years since then. He was still in a coma and I was still sitting beside him, holding his hands and whispering again and again, hoping he will hear me. The hope of seeing him open his eyes again was the only thing that made me hang in there and continue working and living and hoping. He saved my life, I was determined on saving his.

I remember when the people stared at me when I came back to work after weeks in the hospital. I remember hearing them whisper behind my back. I remember then pitying me for becoming a widow. But what I could remember the most is me shutting them up while screaming that he was still alive. HE WAS STILL ALIVE !

People said that I was stuck in the past, the doctors said that he was a lost case, my friends told me to start a new life, a new chapter but no. I can't ! I can't start a new chapter when the previous one hasn't ended yet. He was still alive and I will wait for him till the end.


Five years have passed. The doctors are starting to lose patience. My co-workers still whisper in my back but louder now. My family has given up on me. Only my friends understood my sadness and stood beside me. They saw that I wasn't going to move an inch from his bed and then they tried to maintain me alive.


"What do you think ? What should I do ? Do I continue ? Do I give up ? Please tell me the answer.... Please wake up !"

That was the night of the sixth year. It was that night again. The one where I reminisce all the tragedy. All of it, again and again.

"I only have one regret left... you know what it is. I'm afraid to tell you those words. I'm afraid to end it here. What will happen if I answer you ? Would you go forever and leave me alone ? Would you leave me behind you after hearing it ? Why aren't you waking up ? Why are you making me suffer while you sleep peacefully every night ? Why did you make us change seats on that night ? I was supposed to lay here ! I was supposed to hold your hand before the crash ! I was supposed to say those words to you and you were supposed to answer me after all the time I would pass in coma. I would have... I would.... I'm sorry ! I'm so sorry ! I really, really, really love you too. From the bottom of my heart."


To people who says miracles don't exist. This was my story, and you know why I'm saying it is a miracle ? Because on that night, He came back.

He opened his eyes, his fingers moved in my hands and he smiled, he smiled just like he did on that night and on all the other nights and days before.
I remember the tears streaming on my cheeks. I remember him saying my name. I remember my lips on his. But what I remember the most was those three words I whispered in his ear and the answer he gave me right after : " I love you too".

The end.

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