Chapter Three- Maybe Next Time You Should Close The Door

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Chapter Three- Maybe Next Time You Should Close The Door

I stomped down the stairs, my hair swishing back and forth as I did. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and walked to the front door. I barely even had it open before Cameron came barging into the house, a bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand.

Gage gave me an apologetic look, pocketing his keys and walking into the house like a normal person. He shut the door behind him and leaned against it, raising his eyebrows at a hyper active Cameron.

"Could you calm yourself? It's too early for you right now," I complained.

Cameron turned so that he was facing me, his eyebrows raised.

"Who pissed in your Cheerios this fine Saturday morning?"

"Probably Christian, seeing as he decided that he should drink when we got home from the party and is now doing who the hell knows what with the girls he brought home with him."

Cameron's eyes widened for a split second before a smile took over his features. Gage grinned.

"Where are your parents," Gage questioned, noticing how quiet the house was.

"They decided to go out for breakfast. They left a note on the fridge. Why they went out at 8 in the morning is beyond me," I shrugged.

Cameron grinned at that, happy that we have the house to ourselves. I only shrugged and turned to go back upstairs. Of course, going back to bed was a luxury these boys were not capable of giving me.

"Awe, please don't go upstairs Shay," Gage whined.

"Yeah, what are we supposed to do while your brother gets his freak on and the other one sleeps," Cameron complained.

I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest. "You guys are big boys, I'm sure you will figure something out."

Cameron looked me up and down, a grin beginning to form on his face. "Yeah, I have a few ideas."

I rolled my eyes at him. It's not like this is the first time he has seen me in my pajamas. They are just shorts and a tank top, I'm not going to change just because he barged into MY home like he owned the place.

"Woah there tiger, I would keep my thoughts to myself if I were you. Unless you don't value your balls," I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Yeah man, we all know that trying anything with Shay is a guaranteed trip to the hospital. The only question is, if it was Shay or her brothers who put you there," Gage agreed.

Cameron cringed at the mere thought of it and took a step away from me for good measure. I made sure to smile at him before heading into the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and pulled out the Orange juice. Gage pulled out three glasses and Cameron went to the cabinets, looking for our pancake mix.

If you couldn't tell, we kind of have a routine going here. Every time they come over and my brothers are a little preoccupied, Cameron makes us food and since I can't cook, I poor the drinks. Then Gage is the one who cleans everything up. It's a pretty great process.

Cameron took out a bowl and put pancake mix into it before adding water and busying himself with stirring. I tried not to stare at his back as his muscles moved beneath his shirt.

Gage elbowed me in the side softly, warning me that I was in fact staring. I gave him a sheepish smile before helping him set the table. I added a place for Xander, knowing that he probably wasn't getting it on and was just sleeping. Having sex with every female in the world was more Christians thing.

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