The Lost Life Chapter 1: The Boy Who Was Lost

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He advanced slowly, his footsteps trudging through the thick snow. His head pounded in his ears, most likely due to the bump on his head. The had no memory on how he received his injury. In fact, he knew nothing at all. He knew not his name, age, family, place of birth. He knew none of it.  He knew not when he last woke up. His legs were like an automation, gears, wires and all, propelling his body forward, as its the only thing his legs were programmed to do. He knew not where he was going or why he was moving. He knew not his purpose. He was lost.

He was young, this boy. A teenager, one would presume. But after a closer observation his eyes are colder than the snow that he is walking on. His fallen, unkempt black hair, perfectly set oval jaw and evenly-spaced black almond eyes. An Asian. Japanese? Korean? Chinese? The boy knew not his ethnicity. He constantly steadied his unsteady pace with his hand pressed against the cold bark. His mechanical legs continue to progress to only God knows where, unwilling to halt so the boy could think and answer these aggravating questions.

All the boy knew was he was strolling through a forest of dead trees. Dead? Hibernation for winter is more likely. The boy knew they'd soon blossom again once their time comes. The boy suddenly wished he was a tree. To be able to shed and sleep until they were needed in the spring. In the winter, the trees were empty of leaves, and stems empty of flowers. The boy was empty of memories. The boy hoped that when the leaves and flowers return in the coming months, his memories would too.

The boy, with his mouth dry from dehydration, wanted to yell for help. He began to panic, once finally realizing his situation. His exhaustion forbade him to speak. He felt hopeless and defeated. Once he was about to fall and ready to accept his failure, a familiar noise caught his ear and vibrated throughout his brain, rendering a wave of confidence, because the boy knew exactly what that sound was. Cars.

His legs magically possessed new strength and stimulated the boy's enervated senses. His feet battled against the snow until he was nearly running with the sound of cars intensifying every step he took. He stopped at the edge of a hill no bigger than him, as he watched the last car, a white sedan, drive away from him in the snowy trail. The boy had been too late.

The boy was beyond grief. His hopes were crushed. He heard no more cars. His grief constricted his throat, making him unable to breathe. He released a small groan and his knees buckled in and sent him tumbling down the hill. He let defeat suck him into a slumber.

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Hey there! So, this is going to be a relatively short story, even though I should be working on my other two books, but this idea kept gnawing at my brain, so I finally gave up and succumbed to its demands. It is a bit slow, but I do hope it'll be worth it in the end. A vote and a comment is always appreciated :) I do want to know your opinions on how this story may turn out and what you think of it so far! Thanks for reading, and for all your support!

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