Chapter 1 POV Renesmee

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This is a story of after breaking dawn, and Renesmee + Jacob! I hope you enjoy my story, I will be trying to post every other day or everyday! Also I don't own any of these characters.
                           It's been 5 years years sense the battle of my clan and many others against the Vulturi. In actuality I'm 6 years old, but I have the body and mind of a 18 year old! Which can be difficult on my parents. Today is Christmas we're going over to Grandpa Charlie's and Grandma Sues house. He still doesn't understand any part of are world neither does he know. But never the less we are family he has learned to except the unknown.
As I get in the car my parents in the front the side door opens its Jacob.
"Hey jake" my Mom says
I clear my mind of all thoughts of Jacob knowing my Dad can sense my tension already! I smile faintly at him and turn to look out the window, still keeping the thought of him out of my brain.

We got to Grandpas house after greeting everyone I raced to my moms old bedroom which is where I sleep when I stay over. I wanted to have my thoughts to my self for a bit. All I was thinking about was Jake, when I was younger like 4 years ago we were the best of friends he was always around he still is. But when my parents finally told me he had imprinted on my and explained what imprinting was, I was confused about Jacob I had always thought he was cute. I always had that feeling he was my best friend, until they told me. I grew away from him not only was I confused, but intrigued. The thought if he liked me or even loved me filled my brain, I wanted to know if this was meant to be. But I have things like the vulturi and my parents to worry about. I wanted to ask my mother if It was even possible for me like him but I haven't had the chance. I feel as though I've distanced myself from Jake to avoid my feelings for him, so far I have no plan as what to do.

              I walked back downstairs with my thoughts collected, I was just in time for presents. I had gotten Grandpa a new fishing pole, and one for Grandma too! I then remembered Jacob would be giving me a gift today as well, I had gotten him a new leather jacket he had torn his while phasing into a wolf. I only got it for him besides our distance because he's almost like family. I sat down on the couch next to my mom and Seth who was apart of the wolf pack and a good friend of my mothers. I watched as my grandparents opened there gifts, which they loved! Next was Jakes turn he opened my gift he grinned, "you remember!" He said. I softly smirked he came over to me giving me a hug, I sat as he hugged me with my arms tight against my body. He then backed away with what seemed as sorrow in his eyes. I gulped because his gift to me was next. He handed me a box wrapped with a bow. I opened the box inside was a dream catcher, like the one he had given my mother. I smiled at the beautiful ornament, "thank you!" I said it's beautiful. He then looked at me with his dark brown eyes he nodded me a your welcome. What I didn't open was a note placed at the bottom of the box, I would open it when I arrived home.

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