Not So Much Friends With A Monster

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This will be a very confusing chapter probably. Just roll with it. I will explain the whole thing in a separate chapter, but if you are anything like me, you will notice that most of my battle inspiration comes from watching Fairy Tail...

Luna's POV

I reached my hand out, summoning the familiar black sphere. Holding this in my magical inventory had caused pain and instability, but I had kept the world safe from it for eleven years, and that was enough to make me happy. I broke it on the ground, and the deadly black aura surrounded me as I tried to escape.

"Luna!" I heard Garroth yelling my name. I wondered how he knew I was here.

I was pulled out of the aura, and I stood up. Garroth and Laurance were there. One, looking at me with concern, and my brother, looking at the shadow mutant before him.

He had black hair, and his eyes glowed red, while the whites of his eyes had turned black. His skin, so pale that it was almost see-through, and his scandalous smirk completed his evil look.

"You summoned me, my love?" His voice was worse than it was when I was fourteen, deep, raspy, and chilling, with a sense of insanity and psychotic darkness.

"We ended that eleven years ago. You have brought great pain to my life, and you expect me to love you?! YOU TRIED TO KILL MY FAMILY!! YOU'RE THE REASON WHY MY MAGIC IS SO MUCH WEAKER!!" I screamed. Hot tears stung my eyes and ran down my face.

He lunged at me and I ran to the side, readying myself for the battle. I readied my magic, for areal spells, they are the most powerful.

My hands flew out to my sides, and above my head, causing a loud crash in the trees. Light glowed around me, eliminating the dark aura from the atmosphere, and my enemy, (who goes by ShadowSeeker) got noticeably weaker.But not weak enough. And there is one thing I didn't consider.

An attack that big drained a load of my energy.

My head was spinning, and I was having trouble staying focused. ShadowSeeker summoned an arm of darkness, which grabbed me and threw me backwards. The two remaining items in my magical inventory fell out. And they didn't belong to me. They belonged to Garroth. The enchanted sword, and the sun stone. A shard directly from the sun. We each had one, mine was the moonstone (I left it back at my place), and Stella had the star stone. She had taken hers with to school.

We were in big trouble now, as the monster was growing more powerful, as my power was drained from the spell, plus being forced to summon the Sword and Sun stone, I couldn't hold up for very long.

I collapsed to the ground, with a heavy sigh, and I blacked out.

Garroth's POV

She dropped a sword and a shard before she blacked out. Whoever it was that had attacked her was strong, and she couldn't hold up on her own. Running over I picked up the sword, and shard, and made my decision.

I handed the sword to Laurance so he could defend himself better, and I took the shard. I have a faint memory of my mother using this once, but most of my memory of her is missing. I only remember Luna and Stella.

Anyways, Laurance took the sword and began to fight, and he fought hard. The sword was enchanted probably because I noticed that it was super lightweight, and way more accurate. I took the shard in my hand and looked it over. It was pale yellow, with pieces of glowing gold inside of it. I held it above my head, just as the last light of day hit it. I glowed for a second, and the golden bow appeared in my hands. I aimed the arrow, right at the guys hand, where there was a black gem infused within his arm. Being an enchanted bow and stuff, the accuracy was perfect, and it hit dead on. Mr. ShadowSeeker guy thing spun around to look at me, and I noticed that a the sword that I had lent to Laurance had somehow shape shape shifted into a shield.

ShadowSeeker's arm started glowing, and it spread to the rest of his body, then came the final blow.

The darkness left, and he disappeared completely. Just after the explosion.

What I can only assume was pure darkness spread everywhere, and I shielded myself.

Luna's POV

He did it. No, they did it. Garroth and Laurance really stopped the mutant shadow knight. The dispersal of the darkness is what I awoke to. One touch to that thing and you were either turned evil, or dead. And I had no shield.

Blocking the sun from my eyes, I struggled to get up? Laurance ran over to me, and I saw that Garroth had given him his sword. And it had changed to a shield, something I didn't even deem possible. He used the shield to block the darkness, and for the first time in my life, I felt love.

Not the kind of love that my mother gave me, and that Stella and Garroth give me now. It was the kind of love that you feel when someone really cares for you, not just because you're family. Real, love.

A/N-- Hi! Cliché ending huh? Whatevs, if you follow my other series you know the price of complaining about my cliché-ness. (Learned that the hard way...)

Anyways, please excuse the crappy excuse for a descriptive battle. Hehe sorry, I'm not too good when it comes to that kind of thing, but, yeah.

I have not much else to say, so Cya! 8) :3 <3


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