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Pic of Harley up above..

Harley made her way through the crowded hallways of high school getting shoved and cursed at like as if she was on the streets of a very busy New York.

Once she reached her locker, opened it and grabbed her books she was off to her Geometry class before anyone else so she could get one of the good seats.
Once again she entered the ferocious crowd of students and on the journey she heard about shoes, weed, Netflix, who hooked up with Zayn Malik this week, and that soemgirl named Lily got dumped by her boyfriend last week apparently she really deserved.
it. On her way out of the crowd, a tall very built guy bumped right into her knocking her down along with her huge textbook.

"Do you ever watch where you're going?!?" She said while irritated as she picked herself up off of the floor.

"I-I-I um.. sorry"

Harley rolled her eyes.

"Just watch where you're going next time alright." She said harshly and brushed his shoulder while walking away.

She reached the classroom and sat in the front as usual. and the bell rung.

Fifteen minutes into doing class works Mr. Locoiust opened the door and the guy that bumped into her had walked through the door.

"Class." Mr Locoiust said and everyone turned to the front. "This is Harry, He's new to the school, and he wants to be treated like any other student even though he has... disabilities." Harry smiled lightly and ran his fingers through his long curly hair.

I looked at him and noticed that he was wearing dark sunglasses and was holding a stick.

He's blind, Harley immediately thought, she felt horrible for shoving a blind kid.

Harry was directed by Mr. Locoiust to sit in the front, next to a certain dark haired girl.

When the bell rung and every one rushed up to grab their belongings harly stayed sat in her seat as she turned to look at Harry.

"Hello.." she said after tapping his shoulder softly.

"Hi," he said and smiled slightly looking forward.

"I was the girl who shouted and kind of shoved you in the hallway and I wanted to apologize for earlier when I said that I didn't know.."

"It's fine"

"No it isn't you didn't see me there and I--"

"It's cool, I promise"

"No.. I'm gonna make it up to you. What's your schedule for tomorrow?"

Finally after a long comparison of each others schedules the decided that it would be better if Harley would show Harry around the school after school.

I apologize for the wait blame high school!!!
Here it is finally I'm really excited this, I hope you all enjoy

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