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"And this... Is the common area, basically just a lounge for free period.. There is a couch within 4 feet of you. Harry waved his stick around until he hit for one of the four couches, he expertly found his way around it and sat. Harley pulled up a cushioned chair and sat across from him.

"How did you get that so quickly?" She asked amazed.

"Lots of practice," he quicly answered.

"So do you have the place all mapped out, or do you need another tour?"

"I've got it."

"You don't talk much huh?"

"I guess..."

"Do you like your teachers?"


"Why not?"

"They treat me some helpless blind kid,"

"But you ar-"

"I'm blind but not helpless. I don't want too be treated like I'm not capable of breathing on my own"

"I un-"

"You can't possibly,"

"I know I'm not uh.."

"You can say the word blind," he chuckles.

Harley smiles "what I'm trying to say is that I get what you mean.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to get all defensive, I just had a rough day."

"Oh. Wanna talk about it?"

"No. I'm fine."

"That's bull-"

"I just don't want to discuss my personal issues with a stranger who only is being nice to me out of pity ."



Harley rendered speechless.

"I have to go. my mum is outside."


(: Sorry for the wait! blame school.. again..

Why do you think H was acting like that?

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