[~16~] L.A

66 3 7

I added titles!!



I looked at the puzzle I had just solved. " Woah... I must have solved it wrong... Right?" I whispered to myself, while whipping out my phone and rushing to the computer.

Mark wasn't on Skype so I called him on my phone... Ring one... Ring two...

" Hello?"

" Mark!!!"

" Woah! What is it?"

" I solved it!"

" What did it say?"

My heart started beating fast, " I can't tell you but, my answer is... Maybe... I can fly over there for a week maybe.. Tomorrow... But, My family is over here and stuff..." I felt so stupid doing this.

" Oh.. Okay.... I knew you had family over there but, can you fly over here tomorrow?"

" YEAH!! I'd love to see my Marky again!"

" I love you, my little ol' Jackaboy!"

" Love you too! But, I gotta go pack. I really miss you..."

" Miss you too, can't wait till tomorrow!"

He hung up and I sat back in my chair, he sounded so excited and jittery...


" Yes!!!" I screamed throughout the apartment, I can't believe he's coming here tomorrow.

I shot up and started cleaning the house... When, I got a chill up my back...

" Why do you keep coming back...?" I whispered.

You already know why

It was Dark, I turned around and looked at him. He was like a fading dream, he smiled at me. " What are going to do to him?"

Heheh... You'll have to wait and see...

Then, he faded the rest of the way. It was like dust being swept away by the wind. I sighed and looked at my phone, He better make it, or Ima gonna stab a bitch...


I was sleeping most of the plane ride but, we're only half way through... I looked around at the people, I was so bored!

I had brought my earphones so I could listen to music, I wanted to block out the world...

I saw people screaming for a second, it was like a flash. One sec their all normal when it glitches like a video game to terror.

You just wait...


It has been a day sense I last heard from Sean. " It doesn't take that long to fly here..." I whispered and pulled out my phone. No calls. No texts. No Sean...

I clicked his name and called him, one ring... Two ring...

A girl picked up, a rush of hatred flowing through me. " Hello?" She asked in a soft, innocent voice.

" Where's Sean?" I stated bluntly. Not caring if I hurt her any.

" Umm... Sir? He is in the hospital."

My eyes widened and I grabbed my car keys, " What happened?!?" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I heard the phone hit the floor and shifting around as she picked it up.

" Plane crash. Only survivor. Seán McLoughlin, 25... He has a broken leg, a fractured arm, and several broken ribs. He is currently in a coma." She stated it without any emotion in her voice.

I went on my computer and bought a plane ticket, which leaves in an hour. I started packing clothes and other needed things. " Sir?"

" Yeah, Yeah... What air line?"

" Air Zone, ( Not sure if that's real or not.) Plane 52. Crashed in the middle of a freeway, close to the airport."

" What hospital is he in?"

" Standen Eford Hospital. ( Not sire if this is real either. I'm kinda makin' stuff up.)"

I whipped the bag onto my back and ran to my car. " I'll be there in a couple of hours. Remember my name, Mark."

" Bu-"

I hung up before she could say another word. I didn't care. Sean was hurt, my little Jackaboy was in pain...

I jumped into my car and started it up, I was going WAY over the speed limit. But, I didn't care. I wanted to be by Sean's side, I wanted to see his face once more. Hopefully, that would happen...

Sorry it took so long to update. I've been distracted with school and stuff but, hope this is a good update. :3 Byee!!!

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