Part 22

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Mark had scared me and now I was scaring him. Shaking my head, I smiled, " Let's go. You are ready, aren't you?" I asked and opened the door while he started walking towards me. Mark had the cutest face on when he pouted. I kissed him on the nose when he walked past me, making him happier then before.

" Let's a go!" He yelled and we both ended up jogging to the car.


I walked to the man with a book and looked at him. Mark started talking so, I looked down at the reservation book, curious of what was in it. The man looked down at me, keeping his posture. He slammed the book shut, making me jump backwards. Mark jumped as well and asked about our seats. The man nodded to the assistant next to him and we all walked to a table near the corner of the huge room.

Mark pulled out my chair for me. Sitting down while I did and looked at the menu. This felt too fancy for me. I messed up the forks and spoons soon, messing up the napkins and other shit. Now our table looked like a mess. " Why'd ya do that?" The man across from me asked. " It looked to fancy." I stated simply while I picked up the menu. " I had to do somethin'."

Mark shook his head and looked at both sides of the table. Mine was messed the Hell up and his was simply perfect. Smiling, the waitress came over to the table, " May I know what you two will be drinking this fine evening." Mark ordered his drink and I rolled my eyes. The male waitress looked over at me next, " Don't be so Fucking perfect." I sneered, making the man gasp. " I'll have a tall Bud Wiser."

Mark looked at me angrily, " Two Mountain Dews please." The waitress nodded and walked away, giving me a glare. " Why can't I have a beer?" I asked with a Smart-Ass tone.

The man across from me glared angrily and didn't answer my question. Just stared. " Wha'd I do?" I asked clueless.

" Sean... What do you mean what did you do? Ya pissed off that guy and then asked for a fucking Guinness. What'do think you did!" Mark stated that with hand motions and raised his voice throughout the sentences.

I stared at him blankly, " I..." I didn't know what to say. I couldn't even get the words out... " I know didn't..." I got angry at the way I couldn't English, the waiter came back with our drinks. Mark was lucky I liked Mountain Dew... It was Bud Wiser Mark... Not Guinness...


Sean's face was red with anger and masked with worry. I didn't know what to do while I went over what I had just said. What have I done? Sean just took a sip of his Dew and looked down onto the table. Not looking like his usual self. " Sean?" I asked hoping to God that he answered. Hoping that I didn't Fucking ruin everything.

" Ye-aah?" Sean's voice cracked, he was holding back tears. I didn't know he was that sensitive...

" Look at me." I tried to sound worried but, it came out as slightly angered.

Sean looked up slowly. His face was red and his eyes were bloodshot. He had tears in his eyes but, none had come out. He sniffed, " Sean, I really didn't mean to upset you. I don't want you to cry. Please, bring back the old you and lets finish this date." This made him chuckle so, I knew I was in the clear.


We got out of the car for the fourth time, with our normal clothes on and not those uncomfortable tuxedos. Sean smiled at me and grabbed my hand, pulling me into the theater. We had both planed on this date but, he suggested it. I was happy I agreed though.


We sat in our seats, Sean held the popcorn on his lap. Shoving a handful in his mouth every second while the previews came on. The movie hadn't even started and the bowl was half empty!


Sean smiled at me as the movie finally started. The lights went dim. To my surprise... It was a horror movie...

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