I Don't Like it I LOVE it

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This video kills me. (I just go to sleep)
Shout out to Collegehumor for all the bad man batman videos.

I am so sorry, I got grounded for 7 months and blah blah blah IM BACK! And will try to start updating, maybe every couple of weeks? I know that's not a lot but at least I'm being realistic and not promising you guys something that won't actually happen. Have fun reading!

PS: I went to my first concert (besides the Wiggles when I was like 2) AND IT WAS AMAZING!! I have 7 gigabytes of videos. And I also went to the Twenty One Pilots concert which was ABSOLUTELY KDOEJSIXIC! So yeah.

Dick's POV

I know I seem so bi polar. When I first realized who she was, I was shocked to say the least.

This girl that I had be friended and had almost immediately developed a crush on was sweet, sassy, bold and confident, but still socially awkward and it was adorable!

She wasn't the flirtatious villain she was last night when I was trying to arrest her! But that side of her was extremely sexy I'll admit.

I had argued with myself the entire way back to the apartment because she was sitting next to me looking kind of guilty, and so adorable, how she would glance over to me, worried how I was reacting.

I was surprised, then kind of angry. Not at her, but because I had no chance with her. Not if she's a thief, it wouldn't work out.

I tried thinking "What would Batman do?" But then I realized how stupid that was because Batman has a thing with freaking Cat Woman.

And when she got all blushy, it made me extremely confident because of my effect on her, so I teased her more. When Ella said strip tease, I was shocked. I don't know what I would have done.

I'm a guy, of course I wouldn't have freaking turned down my crush doing that, but I knew she wasn't comfortable with that, and so I put on a smirk but mentally I knew I couldn't let it happen.

Then of course, I got locked in a room with her. Sure I could have probably busted down the door, but JJ is so cute when she's flustered, and knowing it was me causing her to feel like that, it was a nice feeling.

So we finally kissed, and I was about to get so into it. As soon as she even barely touched our lips I almost made a sound I would have regretted, but I held it in and just focused on our lips moving against each other's.

But as soon as it started, it ended.

She ran off and I just stood there, shocked.

I had just kissed Jade. I didn't just like it, I LOVED IT. And then she ran away, probably trying to cover up the fact that she liked it...she did like it right?

I'm really not that awkward of a person, I am at school, but that's mainly for my cover. But she makes me so nervous, I try acting all confident but I'm really not.

If she rejects me, I'll have to get over it, but gosh if she kisses me back...gosh if she kisses ME back. Sure it will probably lead to a whole lot of problems! Probably enough to write a whole book!(lol sorry I had to)

But as I stood in her room, staring at her when she recovered from bumping into me, I knew exactly what I had to do. I was going to kiss her, and if she kissed me back, I knew I had a chance.

So she bumped into me and looked all shocked. Then I kissed her.

For the second time that night I kissed a girl I had pretty much just met technically 2 days ago since it was past midnight. I was kissing this beautiful red headed girl who wasn't pushing me away.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I swear this was Heaven.

I gripped her waist tighter, hoping that she wouldn't try and pull away again. I'd never force myself on a girl, God forbid, but I can tell you right now I'd have a freaking hard time letting her go.

Just when I thought things couldn't get any better she moved her hands from my neck to my hair and pulled, making my head tilt up and jumped, so I was holding her to me and her head was above mine.

I let myself revel in the moment and tried not to dwell on the fact that I was kissing someone I really knew I shouldn't. But did that change my mind about anything? Nope.

Was that a bad thing? Don't know, don't care. Not right now.

Before things could move any further we heard a crash and a scream in the other room.

Pulling away I looked at JJ blinking in surprise and let her drop to the ground. I growled in frustration that something had interrupted our moment, and followed her out silently as she crept down the hallway. She grabbed her necklace nervously.

She crouched and peeked around the corner of the hallway, back into the living room as I did the same, just barely above her.

I saw Ella running from something and jumped into action preparing to fight whatever was attacking my best friend. Jade came right next to me. But I didn't see anyone.

Turning around I stared at Ella's back as she was shifting through a closet. Jade's eyes widened and she called out before Ella pulled out a costume. Not just any costume, but a Harley Quinn body suit. She turned and looked past me to Jadyn.

She lifted it up and gestured to it with her head.

"What's this?"



Tickets for the concerts I have recently attended. (Still mentally screaming)

I have a really good idea for next chapter and all shall be explained! I promise I won't take a year this time (aha oopsies) and since I actually have a plan as to what the next chapter will be about, I should update very very soon!

Thanks for reading☺️😘

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