what a catch.

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"The end fuckers! Oh god yes who ordered the pizza!" Pete, our bassist sang out as we walked into our dressing room. We had just wrapped up our last show for this tour and the energy hadn't died down. Drinks were sent around the room while songs were sung off key and slurred in celebration. It's bittersweet you know? You go from months of well, this to positively nothing. Just a normal, mediocre life. You go from seeing the same 3 people everyday, all day for months, and then you just don't. Oh god I sound like a clingy boyfriend! I'm not. I love my wife and I can't wait to see my kid, but these freaks are my family. I can't live without them. I wouldn't be alive without them. Epically Pete.

I sat in the corner, perched on the arm of the couch occasionally taking a drink from my glass while laughing along with everyone else in the room. Joe was busy trying to jump on Andy's back while Andy was running from him. I looked up laughing, meeting Pete's gaze. How long has he been staring at me? I got up and left the room quietly, there had been enough people in the room to cover my absence, knowing full well that he'd follow. He waited a few minutes before joining me. "Last night man! We're get to go home tomorrow!" He said, his voice upbeat but his eyes told something different. "Yeah.. Home" I responded, almost sad to use the word in a way that didn't refer to the tour bus. "You alright man?" The bassist questioned "yeah, I'm just going to miss not having everyone around all the time, that's all" my eyes were a bit misty by now, only magnified by the frames that rested on my nose. "Hey we're still here pattycakes. I'm not leaving you" I wanted to tie those words around my finger so i'd never forget them. Instead I only hugged and left to join the other again. Before I got back to the door I felt my fedora being lifted off my head and turned to see one Pete Wentz grinning at me with the hat placed on his head. Backwards. I got up on my toes reaching for the hat, but rather than my hand hitting hat, my lips met his. For once the pit in my stomach seemed to be replaced by butterflies. Not the kind when you're about to perform, but the ones when everything seems so right and so good in that one moment.

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