Another update for shits and giggles

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I have a boyfriend.
(HOLY FUCKING SHIT *falls out of chair and violently breaks everything*) ~settle down over there fuck ass!~
There's more. I'm in highschool.
(Cue horrified gasps)
a few more things!
(Awe damnit I have to keep acting surprised) ~shut up John!!!~ I'm also in chorus.
(Cue horror movie cliché music).
My old music teacher's son
(Mr. Dutton has given the pride land to Noah *IT'S THE CIRCLE OF LIFE!!!!* because Caleb says fuck music)~ DAMNIT JOHN!!~
was in chorus for first......
~gdi what was it called~
9 weeks
(and you're calling me a dumbass) ~i couldn't think of what else to call it~.
On to my story (oh joy *rolls eyes*)
One day in class my friends
(aka bitches you hang out with) ~JOHN!!!!~
Mia, Sabrina, and Greer noticed that I had a bite mark on my neck.
(Do tell more *rolls eyes again*)
Greer starts yell ing some thing about love bites as Noah is giving me a paper and he just stares at me like "DAFUQ DID I JUS' HEAR BITCH?!?!?"
(This is not your best story)
~shut up I'm tired!!!~

Hello people... I'm sorry for the random side notes but "John" is the one in parentheses, and is the more pain in the ass side of my brain, and I just like to talk to the "other me" in my writing

I'll update more often, I promise, but I'm getting stupider than usual and so ima just gonna go use the sleep now....

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