blog: day 2

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This is my third day with a "story" please send to peoples that you know, so ii's can be beautifully famous ....... *laugh...* ook akward silence ______________________________________________

(not mine, from destinywaits4) " why do people say what's up, they should know"

I also want to know if the whole world has gone crazy.....right now in Missouri there are people rioting bc a white cop shot an unarmed, or armed... no one knows for sure... black kid.....if the situation was diffrent would there be riots????? No... yeah, I get it, it sucks that that would happen, but you don't go and riot because of it!!!!

(from cammi) me a puppy. wait no im not. -_-

(me last year) woof woof I'm a bird

(cam-cam last year) I thought that was a fuking biird *british accent*

Goodnight friends, good night wattpad, good night world


no cammi, I will not let that go :-P neechan

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