//Chapter Two//

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Anna woke up the next day to a man in white scrubs handing her a paper cup full of water and three pills. "Time for your medication Anna." He said to her. She wanted to scream at him: I'm not crazy! I don't need these useless narcotics! But she said nothing and gulped down the oval shaped anti-crazy drugs. The man left her padded room without another word. These drugs made her numb and sleepy. She would try to resist falling asleep and giving in to the medications but always failed. So this time she decided that instead of falling asleep on the hard floor and waking up in pain, that she would lay down on the cot and go to sleep like they instructed. That's all she ever did; lay on the stupid cot or pace around the 10 by 10 foot room over and over counting her steps. It's like they wanted her to go insane. Within minutes Anna's eyes became heavy. She didn't resist the sleepiness that approached. She let her eyes close and she wandered into a dangerous slumber...

"Come to me...Anna...Come..."

It was dark in Anna's head. Full of evil. Her dreams were often very pernicious, leaving her with images and thoughts of pain and hurt. She walked around in her precarious mind like an injured animal. She never felt safe in this place, always looking over her shoulder. Anna felt threatened constantly.

She blinked once and was in a different place. It was a house. A broken, abandoned house; much like Anna herself. She recognized the not-so-humble abode.

"Anna...Anna...Come to me..."

Anna walked through the tattered foyer cautiously. In the next room there was an old wood stove. It was lit. The small glow from the fire lit up the room slightly. She looked around the room and when her eyes returned to where the stove was placed, it was no longer there. Instead, there was a small porcelain doll propped in that same corner.

Anna moved curiously towards the doll. She was mere inches away from it when she was grabbed from behind. Anna screamed in terror when she saw who had taken hold of her. It was the black-eyed man with the fedora and trench coat. He laughed maliciously as she struggled to escape his tight grasp. Anna gave up on her escape plan. She tried everything; stepping on his feet, elbowing him, kicking him, punching him. Nothing worked. He just continued to laugh. 

"Anna, Anna, Anna, Anna, Anna, Anna, Anna, Anna, Anna,Anna,Anna,Anna,Anna..." The man continued saying her name over and over in a singsong voice.

"Anna...Come...Come to me Anna...ANNA!!"

"Do it Anna! Do it now!!"

"You mean nothing! You are nothing! Not even your own family wanted you. That's why they put you in this hell. Not because they love you, not because they care, but because they think you are a psychotic, bitch. And they...were...RIGHT!"

"You are nothing!"




"You are a corrupt human being!"

"You're better off dead and you know it!"

"Die! Die, die, die, die, die, die, DIE!"

Anna shook her head back and forth, trying to make all of it stop. The man was still saying her name, and all of the voices were invading her mind. The man let go of her, and in Anna's right hand, was a silver revolver. 

"It'll all stop if you just pull the trigger Anna." The black-eyed man whispered in her ear.

"Pull the trigger, Anna."

"Pull the trigger."

"Come on Anna, just do it."

"Pull the trigger, the world is better off without you."

All the voices surrounded her, Anna began to cry. The voices got louder and more persistent. Anna slowly raised the revolver up to her head. She cocked the gun, closed her eyes and one single tear rolled down her cheek, when she finally, pulled the trigger.


Anna woke up screaming and drenched in a cold sweat. Men in white scrubs rushed into the room in a panic. Anna looked at them and screamed louder, as she saw that each and every one of them had black eyes just like the man with the fedora. The men restrained her with straps around her ankles and wrists.

"Don't touch me! I just want to die! Let me die!!!" Anna screamed at them. The men left the room and closed the door, leaving Anna to struggle and think about death. As soon as the door closed, the dreaded noise from last night was once again surrounding her at full volume. 

Anna remembered a Bible verse that seemed quite relevant. Deuteronomy 28:34- You shall be driven mad by the sight of what you see.  

Anna looked up and saw blackness. The sound was still there but it was muffled. She walked down the dark path and she saw a door very far from where she was. She ran, trying to get to the door faster, but it was like she was running in water. Each step was hard to take and her legs were very heavy. After a long, terrifying walk, she arrived at the door. 

Anna opened the door cautiously and inside were men and women and children, all with eyes that should belong to the devil. Anna screamed and they all turned and stared at her. They all gave her an evil grin, when the noise erupted from behind all of them. They separated, making an isle, and at the end of the isle was the black eyed man with the fedora and trench coat.

"Who are you?" Anna screamed at the evil looking man.

"Lucifer. You may also know me as Satan, Devil, El Diablo, Abaddon, Angel of light, Leviathan, and my personal favorite: Antichrist."

Anna then fell down, tripping over something and she returned to the scenery of the mental hospital.

Anna then realized, she was no longer bound in the leather straps on the cot. She was no longer in the white, padded room. She was in the faculty lounge. Along with 100 faculty members, all lying on the ground, dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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