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Next day, I woke up with a note on my headboard.

Good Morning, Lau. :) Your cappuccino is downstairs. JK.

I rubbed my eyes and washed my mouth before going down.

Wait. If it was JK who wrote that, it means he went inside my room?! And saw my posters of him?! OMG NO.

Before I could run back upstairs, JK already saw me.


"U-uh, hey."

I tried not to act like I don't care if he sees my posters anymore. There's even this one that has 'You're cute,' and then his sign on one poster. That made me so happy though.

            "Here, breakfast." He said.

I sat in front of him as I stir my cup.

            "You made this?" I asked.

            "Yes," He answered politely.

I took a sip. It really tastes good. I wonder how he learned to make these heavenly cappuccinos.

I took a ginger bread from the plate and ate some. He was just there, watching me eat. So I kind of feel shy.

            "Karlos," I said seriously. He looked.


            "Would you want to go and see your family?" I asked straightforwardly.

He just stared at me for a moment. Until I moved my hand in front of his face.

            "I'm more than willing to help you." I said.

            "You'd do that?" He asked.

            "Of course."

He smiled at me but it quickly faded.

            "But how about your mom?" He asked. "Will she allow you to?"

            "Gosh Juan Karlos. Haven't I've done enough to show you that I'll do anything and everything for you?"

I shut my mouth closed at once. I. Shouldn't. Have. Said. That. OMG.

            "You would?"


He held my hand softly. "I am really thankful that I've found you, Lau. You're my life saver. Literally."

            I just smiled.

Well for Pete's sake he's holding my hand! Okay?! Where's my chill? I lost it already.

            "You look cute," He said. I instantly blushed. No please. "Wipe the cappuccino off your mouth, Lau."

            Oh. OH. Okay. I thought I am cute. Like without the cappuccino.

            "Sorry," I said. I was about to get the tissue in the middle of the table when he got it in his hands immediately.

            "I'll do it." He said. He gave me a hearty smile before leaning closer to wipe my mouth. I wonder how weird I look right now. Why isn't he creeped out?

            After that, I ate quickly and then went up to ask Mom.

            "Lauren, I have made up my mind." Mom declared. "I have decided that you'll ask that guy to leave out of the house, now."

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