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"Juan Karlos, wake up."

            I nudged his sides and he stirred awake. He blinked his eyes for a while then looked around.

            "Where are we?" Asked JK.

"I think we're somewhere in Quezon City." I answered. I packed up my things as we prepare to leave the bus.

          We went down in front of a bus stop. It's already late in the afternoon. I tied my hair up to a messy bun then clutched my backpack strap. JK was searching for something that I do not know. And now, the problem is, where are we going to stay?

            I seriously have no idea.

            "Are you hungry?" I asked JK. He did not answer me at once. He was still preoccupied by the thing that he's looking for. "Hey. Are you hungry?" I repeated. This time, he looked at me and answered. "I guess."

I sighed. I turn my head around to search for a canteen or an eatery but nothing came to view. All were buildings and other giant establishments.

            "I think there's a fast food chain inside that building." JK pointed out, it was a building all lit up and looks like a hotel or something.

            "But JK, we cannot afford expensive food. I have only but a few savings here." I said. He nodded. His eyes were glittering in the dim surroundings. "I know. Just trust me." He said.

"Jollibee?" I asked. "Seriously, how'd you know they have this in here?"

            He shrugged. "I think I've been here once." We walked in to find a seat for the two of us. He went to the counter to order our food while I wait on the table. Our table was beside the glass window of the restaurant, so I can see the people outside. I saw the pedestrians outside, walking, or sometimes running. Some carry different bags or paper bags. Some were with their friends, alone, or with their family. Then I saw this girl. She was happily dangling on her mom's arms. They look like they're talking about something funny. They stopped not far from where I was. The mother knelt down and got something out of a paper bag that she was carrying. It was a stuffed toy. The girl took it happily and hugged her mom.

            "Are you crying?"

I looked up, it was JK. Then I looked back outside, but they were gone already. "No." I lied.

            "Then what do you call that? Tearing off?" JK asked. I swung my head sideways and wiped my unexpected tears away. He went silent as he passed the food in front of me. I took it, but I did not eat it. I just stared at it.

            At home, Mom probably found it out already. She already knows that we're gone. She might be worried. She might be crying. She might be calling the police for help. She might be at home, cooking her own food. She might be eating alone. Without me. No matter how hard I tell myself to not to cry, tears just flowed down to my cheeks. I exhaled.

            "Hey," JK called out. "Stop crying please."

I tried. But I failed. I may look like an idiot here, crying in front of my food, inside a typical food chain with this guy in disguise. But I do not care. I got my hanky out and wiped away my tears.

            "I knew it." He said. "I shouldn't've agreed with you."

I shook my head. "No. This is what I want. This is what I would do. So don't say that JK."

"Well then eat." JK said. He held up a ketchup and opened it for me. "You make me nervous, Lauren."

            "Why?" I asked. He looked up. "You know that this is all because of me. Of course it'll be all my fault." His expression changed into a sad one. I stared at him for a moment, until a fly went in front of me so I swat it away.

            "Don't get upset. Me too, I admit, I'd hate it to  be in this situation but we have to get through this. I don't care if it'll cost me anything. I want to help you Juan Karlos. No one wants this to happen."

He nodded. "Okay, we better eat now."

            The weather outside was cold. Good thing I have brought a jacket with me. But the problem is, we really have nowhere to go. Desperately, I called JK.

            "We need to stay in an inn tonight." I sighed.

We walked down the street searching for somewhere to stay. Until I was really tired. Most of the establishments were closed. And we're still here outside, in the cold.

I got my phone out and searched for someone who I know was still awake.

Me: Camelia. I know that it's already late but please, do you know somewhere to stay or sleep here in Quezon City?

Camelia: I'm still up. Wait, why? Why are you there?

Me: Jeez Camelia! Just answer! I need it. It's a very long story and I have no more time, I'm too tired.

Camelia took some moments before she replied. I sighed in relief. At last, a message was received.

Camelia: I've searched and there's a 24 hour motel on the other street from where you are. (I used your GPS) and lowest room rate is 450 pesos.

Me: Okay, thank you Cam.

Camelia: Yeah, take care.

            I grabbed JK's hands and we went to the motel that Cam was talking about. And indeed it was open. We went inside and found a counter in front.

"Excuse me," I called out. A lady in her mid-30s appeared behind the counter with her curls tucked behind her ears. She was wearing glasses and pushed it up as she saw the two of us. "Room for two please?"

            The lady quickly moved her gaze to the monitor on the counter and typed something. "Room 402 is vacant which is on the third floor." She said. I took my wallet from my bag and faced the lady.

            "How much is it?" I asked.

"Four hundred fifty a day. Including a breakfast for two." She answered.

"It is settled then." I said. I got the money out and paid it to her. She gave us my receipt then the room keys. JK followed me as we take the stairs.

The room 402 was neat and clean. The sheets were new and it's just for the rate. It was actually cheap, especially for the fact that we get a breakfast. I put all my things down, changed into my PJ's which I intentionally brought with me, then sat on the bed.

"There's only one bed," JK said.

"I know. What do you expect from a 450-peso room?" I spat.

He scratched the back of his neck then sat on the couch. "I guess I'll just sleep here."

            "Oh don't be silly, JK. I'm not that fat for you not to fit in bed."

"But I'm a guy, Lauren." He said. My face flushed. So that's what he's thinking.

            "Yes you are. And I trust you. So you can sleep beside me." I said. "Besides, we need proper rest for tomorrow."

            I laid down and covered myself with a blanket. I closed my eyes and rolled on my side, until I felt him lay down beside me, his sweet smell wrapping me to sleep.


Happy Author's Day!

Hindi man ako author, yung as in totohanan na, like for real, at least aspiring ako. Hihi. :)

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