Good one pt. 2 jacks pov

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I run as she falls down to the ground, I took that time as my pass to leave so that's exactly what I did. I didn't stop running until I ran in my house locked the door and ran up my room ignoring my moms attempts to ask what's wrong and to stop running. I didn't stop until I was upstairs in the safety of my room with the door locked. I slide down my door tired and out of breath. How can that even be real, is she the only one out there ? Obviously not if she was created. How can I not know, how come she never told me sooner ? Cause you would've freaked like you did now I answered to myself. When we were walking in the woods I was imagining what if she was a werewolf that would be so cool adventures all the time but when she shifted it just felt different. All the kool things I thought of doing with her left as I saw her human body shift into a huge but femine type wolf. Now that I think about it her fur was beautiful. Something of a movie was what it looked like so pure and so white, her eyes were the deepest blue I've ever seen. She didn't even make an attempt to harm me in anyway I don't one why I'd think she'd hurt me, she's the same girl I've been best friends with since forever just I know her secret. I think I can live with that. I wonder what story she was gonna tell me about her family.

"Honey is everything alright?" I hear her from the opposite side of the door. "Yea just we were racing to see who'd call first on the phone" I say we use to do that anyway out of no where. She mumbles something before saying goodnight which I returned. Making up my mind to walk to her house and apologize I get up from the floor realizing it's already night not feeling very clean I turn on the shower and enter in at first I just let the water fall and hit my head I shampoo it before thinking how embarrassed or sad and scared she must felt. I basically called her a freak when she decided to have me, her very first guest come over to her house and let me be the very first person know about what she is. That would have been hard for me too I really screwed up she trusted me, and I blew it. I'll make it right, once I'm done cleaning off I wrap the towel around my torso leaving my hair alone I put some boxers on from my dresser then put the towel to dry and lay in my bed thinking about how this morning she came far just to help me with my hang over she truly is a best friend I'll make it right. I pull the blanket up to my face before Turing to one side and sleep with a lot on my mind.

This chapter is short because I  just wanted to show you how jack felt about Raven being a wolf , please comment and tell me what you think 💕❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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