Plane Ride There

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Phil's POV: Hi guys It's Phil! About year ago I posted a video called "STUCK ON A ROLLERCOASTER" though only it was a half truth...

Yes we had gone to Disney that day. Yes we got fast passes and skipped merrily through the line, and feeling bad for the people who would probably get heatstroke. But I should tell you about the last couple of days first.

Before the flight I had gotten pretty nervous though I am usually okay with flying though I felt panicky. I asked Dan, "Dan? Can you hold my hand?" And Dan replied, "Yeah!" I was a little startled at his excitement, but it was very calming at the same time. We held hands and all my worries and fears disappeared. "Thanks Dan," and I lay on Dan's chest and slowly drifted to sleep.

*Sorry this chapter was so short promise thy will get longer :) Pinky swear

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