Wake Up

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      Phil's P.O.V. Nothing. That is all I see. I've been here for what seems like eternity. (I did not mean for that to rhyme) There is only a chair I have been sat on. At some point I start waking calling out for Dan.


But nothing complete silence. I cry that's the only thing I can do. I am probably dead. I left my love alone. Though somehow I know this is not death. Next thing I know the room is shaking. And I hear him. I hear Dan though a bit muffled I hear him.


"Dan!" I cry out to him though he can't hear me.

"I don't know how long you will be in this coma but please I need you. I wrote you a letter. Yes yes cheesy as fuck but if not I wouldn't be able to get my words out straight."

I hear a sniffle. Was he crying? Coma? Then he read one of the beautiful letters I have ever heard. And the last words love always and forever.

Wake up Phil.

Wake up.

Then a pen appears.

I start to write on the walls.



I scream to myself.

The pen disappears.

And even I lose consciousness.

*Sorry this came out a little late but I had to do a science project so I had a crap load of work to do. And thank you guys soooo much for 500 reads like 5 days ago I had 300 this is a little scary but you guys are awesome. This chapter is really bad I know but I had to rush this a bit XP Next chapter will be better promise :) BYEEEEEEEEEE

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