♕ inactive ♕

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[ important ]

Hey guys...

So, Juls has informed me that I won't be on much anymore. To those of you who don't know, Juls is the ooa... Um... Some things happened in her life yesterday, and she needs time to away to sort things out... -gives Juls a wary side glance before sighing sadly-

So, she and I decided to take leave.

I don't know how long we'll be gone, but it may be for awhile.

Just wanted to warn you, in case I disappear suddenly or something.

I'll probably pop on from time to time. Who knows, maybe I'll just be on like normally. Although, I don't think I'll be the same anymore. Not for a while, anyways.

I'll reply when I can, when I have time, if I even have time. I'll just probably not seem myself for these next few weeks.

Juls says she'll try to have me come on a couple times during the week, because she's thinking that this site will be a nice getaway from the things that'll be taking place in her life right now. So. Yeah.

Hope you guys understand.

So, here's to my inactiveness. And possibly leaving you all behind...
-raises a beer bottle-

Sorry... But.


- Crystillia Romanoff-Stark & Juls Faith

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