Once upon a shoe lace

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A/N : Hi guys, this is a different style that I am planning to start on. Being inspired to write something that is supernatural involving Greek Mythology. This this based or inspired by one of my favourite Greek Myth which is about Hades and Persephone. Since I am classified as a nerd , by my interest in Classical Studies I may as well make a great extent on it.

The main character is Ashton Irwin, but he is not classified as the band member in this story. So I hope you all like this story yes you too ghost reader! 


I should've worn my sport shoes, but I had to wear my trusty converse with long shoe laces.  I didn't have much time to make this run away plan, all I knew I had to get away from suffocating room filled with fake people. All these fake people are considered by family by blood. But why would they treat me with no kindness or a tiny big of sugar that they will even notice my existence.

Is it because of my pale skin? My darker brown eyes? My voice? All these thoughts swarmed me while I ran into the nearby woods. "Selene!" A familiar soft voice, that is my mothers. This shout only encouraged me to go further. Excitement rushed through my veins, and my small legs doing it wonders. I have not run at this speed ever since I was 6 years old.

I was no longer 6 years old, no longer the cute adorable little doll to their eyes though. Not anymore. I had enough of this. 

I ran far enough as I hear my mother shouts will be silence by the distance. I then walked my way further to only be tripped on my shoe lace. I closed my eyes ready for the big fall, but only to not feel the hardness of the ground. It was soft fur, like a dog. I opened my eyes to see that I have indeed fell on an animal.

To say it was a very large animal. I quickly jolted up and began to step back. That is when the animal growled and got up. Oh Zeus. It was very alike a dog, but it was not. This is a wolf. "Nice dog-- I mean wolfie..." I hushed, great now I am talking to how he or she won't understand. Which I am sure it is a he. This only made him growl even louder. I tend fasten my steps, only to be tripped again by my shoe laces. This made me wince in pain as I felt a sharp wood pierced into my skin of my little toe. That's going to hurt in the morning. I am full aware that there is a large wolf in front of me, but I sat down. I took of my converse off and examine the little wounded toe.  Then all a sudden the wolf was very close, and let out a soft growl and looked at my wounded toe.

It was not a pretty sight. The stick is perking in between my inner skin of the toe. Then the wolf licked his large tongue of the wound, to absorb the little spill of blood. When the wolf looked up I saw, his brown eyes turned into green orbs. Yes green. That's when I gasped, and my eyelids felt heavy all the sudden.

All I remembered was the wolf green orbs staring at me.  

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