Chapter 2

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Infection of Darkness chpt.2

I close the door behind me as I walk in, a sigh of relief escapes my mouth. "Ahh.. Good to be home right lil' buddy?" I bounce Sam around in my hand, Sammy always keeps me safe, he's my best friend! I walk towards the kitchen still holding Sam close to me. I feel hungry so I search the pantry for something to eat, I run my hands over everything and hope it lands on something good.
I stop, I heard something call my name. I don't dare to turn my head, my ears now itch, I heard that voice from right behind me. I hold Sam close in protection.
"Jack~   Jack~   Jaaaack~" The whispers chant my name, I close my eyes tightly in fear. It's back. He's followed me home again. I squeeze Sam a little, Sam sees what I see. I look down at Sam slightly, he looks up at me.
I whisper "Sam, what do I do?" He stares at me, and tells me to slowly walk backwards and not turn around, just like before. I nod and slowly pace backwards, I put my hand out behind me just to make sure I don't bump into anything. I walk about 3 feet and turn around slowly. Nothing, I see nothing in front of me. He's playing games, he always plays games, he likes to mess with my head and I shouldn't be surrendering to it, he's been doing this to me for ages now and he hasn't given me a break, and he's gotten stronger over the past few months too. I frown as my eyes scan the room, no one is here. I sigh deeply and go to look in the fridge instead.
"Well Sam, looks like we're having left overs again.. I'm too afraid to cook today.." I open the fridge and grab the cardboard pizza box that's been sitting in my fridge for a while now. I pull it out and keep the fridge open, I turn to my bench and place the pizza box down, I open it up and grab two slices of pizza and find a plate to put them on, I put it in the microwave for 30 seconds and wait. I take another look around the room, that voice was so close, It was like it was right beside me. And that's what scares me, he's getting closer.. My heart sinks as my thoughts run wild, I hold Sam close to me, he's the only one that makes me feel safe in my own home. I jump out of my skin as I hear the microwave beep loudly, alerting that the food is done. I grab my food, I quickly rush to my room, I don't feel safe in my own kitchen anymore, God I don't feel safe here at alI. I quickly close the bedroom door behind me and lock it, I know the Darkness follows me everywhere but this just makes me feel safer. I walk over to my bed and sit down, I put the plate onto my lap and grab a slice and begin to eat. I stare at the door while I chew, I'm becoming paranoid, I can feel it aching in my heart, consuming me. Sam sits next to me and stares up at me. I finish my first slice and go to grab the other until I hear it again. The voice ...
"Jack~ let me in~"
My heart begins to beat faster, I hear the door being clawed at, it's trying to get in. I watch the door in fear, I see the door handle turning on its own, but since I've locked the door the handle doesn't fully turn and open. I hear heavy breathing from behind me, my pupils shrink and my heart races even faster, is he in my room? Is he right behind me? Is he just playing another game? I quickly grab Sam and hoist him to my chest.
"Jack~ I told you about locking me out haven't I?~ that I don't like to be shoved out~"
The door handle begins to turn a little more violently, as if someone is desperate to get in.
"N-no.. Leave me alone!" I scoot backwards into the pillows, I feel fear wash over me, I don't want him in my room. He's going to hurt me and Sam. I hear the heavy breathing grow stronger and heavier, but it seems to be on my right side, I don't dare to look to my right. I begin to cower as I feel the heavy breathing right near my ear, I feel something there, physically. I feel the weight of the bed being pushed down as if someone was sitting right next to me. The breathing it hot and damp, it's making my ear feel hot, and making my neck sweat.
"Jack~ let me in!~
The door bursts open as if a really strong force has pushed the door wide open. But there's nothing there, the door flung open on its own. My pupils shrink more, i begin to shake, I stare at the empty door way in absolute fear. If he's not there.. That means that he's right next to me. My heart pounds as I feel the breathing become faster, I close my eyes tight and swallow hard. I slowly turn my head to the right, as I turn my head I feel the hot breath travel from my ear slowly across my face, I know he's right there, I'm positive. I tremble as I face it, I'm too afraid to open my eyes. 'Sam..' I think to myself, 'please.. Help me.' I slowly open my eyes, what I see in front of me shocks me. I see it, the Darkness. It's large narrow head with its long and bony jaw, it's evil snarl and its long pointy nose, it's dark soulless eye stares into mine, he has only one toxic green eye, his other eye hangs out from its socket, dangling down his face from its empty black socket, what should be the white of his eye is pitch black. He wears the same clothes as me, the purple hoodie, the jeans and beanie, his long elf-like ears poke out from each side of the hat, his sickly green hair also peers out from the hat, he looks just like me but a demonic version. His grin is beyond terrifying, his sharp teeth glisten at me, his facial hair is a lot rattier then mine, the expression on his face fills me with a terrifying feeling that ... I'm going to die.
"Ahhhhhhhh!!" I scream, the Darkness is staring right at me. I jolt back in fear and fall off of the bed still holding Sam close to me. I quickly scoot backwards away from the bed and scramble to my feet, and look back at the bed. He's not there anymore, he's gone. My heart is racing a million miles an hour, that scared the absolute shit out of me. I begin to feel light headed and fall to my knees, I hold myself and shake violently, Sam sits just before my knees. He looks up at me, he looks worried.
"S-sam.." I say, my voice shaky as I speak, "I.. I'm sc-scared... He almost g-got me.." I put my head in my hands and close my eyes tight, I'm trying to get him out of my head but he won't go, no matter what I do. Sam crawls to my leg and hops onto it, he moves his little body slowly towards me and nuzzles me trying to comfort me. I hug him back and sigh as a single tear runs down my cheek.

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