Chapter 44

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Allison’s POV

I walked into the flat after multiple hours of hanging out with Harry. Originally, the plan was to just get groceries, come back here, and cook something yummy.

Yah, that didn’t happen.

We ended up getting something to eat at one of his friends restaurants. He knew I had a lot on my mind so he thought that eating would do the trick, and it did. We talked about random things, nothing that had to do with me hiding out in Liam’s room or Zayn. I was thankful for that. I actually enjoyed my time and I was glad I had a friend like Harry to keep my mind of things that make me sad.

Anyways, after we ate we headed to the grocery store and purchased lots and lots of food. I even bought Niall’s requested junk food, although, he doesn’t need to be eating so unhealthy. Harry and I went all out. We took at least 5 things from each isle throughout the entire store. I’m not even sure if there’s enough space to fit half the things we got. I don’t think half the food we bought will even last that long, so I think we might be fine.

Who knew that spending money could get your mind off so much? Even if it’s on food, it helps. I never realised just how many options of food there is. For example, the cookie section of the bakery, there was like... 3 different types of chocolate chip cookies, and like 10 different types of cookies in general! Usually I just buy what’s on sale. I never look at the other things.

So this was Harry and I’s last trip from the car. Walking up and down the stairs several times just to bring up all the groceries was a pain, I feel like I’m about to pass out. I can’t remember the last time I’ve had so much exercise.

“I think I’m going to die,” Harry complained flopping down on the couch and lying on his back.

I did the same to the couch across from him. I agreed, letting out a sigh. “I’m never going to the store with you again; we were supposed to buy a few things, not the entire store!”

He laughed and so did I. I sat up a bit so my back was leaning against the arm rest of the chair and my legs stayed sprawled out on the rest of the sofa.

“Hey, at least we know we’ll never starve.”

I giggled at his words and rolled my eyes. “Where is everyone?” I asked myself rather than Harry, but he decided to answer.

“I got a text from Niall earlier when we were out, him and Louis went to meet up with a few friends. I’m not sure about Liam or Zayn though.”

My stomach dipped at the sound of his name. I miss him. I mentally slapped myself for saying that to myself.  He’s moved on, idiot. Maybe it’s time you do the same. Yah right, I’ve fallen too hard to give up just yet. Well then, try not to feel so much pain every time you hear his name... that would help your situation a bit.

I stopped listening to myself and concentrated on Harry again. “Maybe they went out too.”

“Talking about Zayn, how did things work out?”

I could tell that slipped from his mouth because he made a face the second the words slipped. He regretted it and my frown only made him regret it even more.

I didn’t want him to feel bad about asking, but trying not to feel anymore hurt is hard when Zayn’s name pops up every so often. It’s time to move on, Allison. See what’s happening? You’re going crazy over something stupid like this. Zayn, Zayn, Zayn! Stop cringing every time you hear his name!

“Uhm, things turned out fine, I guess.”

“So you two talked...?”

“Not necessarily,” I mumbled, “but I did see him.”

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