I sat at the kitchen table , fiddling my thumbs , waiting for my dad to pull up in the drive way . I looked at my watch 9:00 pm , i sighed ,and stood up I walked through the kitchen and to the front door . I leaned on the window ledge and waited , a thunked my head on the window . Hoping his headlights would shine on the house any minute , I looked down at my watch again , 9:01 . And saw rain drops start to dot the window .
"Mom , why isn't dad her yet ? He was suppose to be here an hour and a minute ago ." I asked as I walked over to mom who was reading on the couch in the living room.
"Honey , why so worried ? You know your father , he's always late ." she said not looking up from her book. I grunted and sat beside her facing away from the window , she lowered her book and looked up , I turned and saw dads headlights , I raced over to the door , and walked out onto the deck . Dad parked in front of the house, and to my surprise , my uncle Tim hopped out of the drivers side , not my dad . I glanced inside the truck, to see if he was in the drivers side .
"Where's dad ?" I asked , I looked away from the truck and at my uncle , my uncle rocked on his heels .Rain drops clinked on dads truck .
"Where is he ?" I asked worried . I saw a tear slide of his bony cheek .
"What happened ?" my mom asked as she walked onto the deck beside me .
"He died , on a plane accident , the pilot was working a double shift and he fell asleep half way through the flight , and they crashed landed into the pacific ." he said
"WHAT ?!" I screamed .
"Oh dear ." mom said she collapsed on the steps , she started to cry . I looked up and my uncle , tears blurred my sight . I ran inside , I grabbed my black hoodie , and slid on my warn out shoes . I ran outside and passed my mom and uncle , and continued running down the now muddy driveway . I could hear my mom scream behind me .
"Come back !"
I couldn't go back , I was to overwhelmed , and what would I go back to ! I pulled my hood over my head , and stopped at the end of my drivewayand . I turned and looked back at my driveway that was surrounded by trees , that lead over a hill where my ten year old log house stood . I felt warm tears stream down my cheeks , i turned and faced the gravel road the lead horizontally infront of my house , debating to go right or left . I looked forward and saw another road that lead into the northern part of the country , I ran down the northern road hoping it would take me away from my problems. I ran passed my neighbors thouroughbreds , since he bred them he had at least fifty all standing in his main feild , a glanced back infront of me and then back at the horses , now there was a black arabian standing closest to the fence . I blinked and she was gone , i shook my head , i was imaginig things.
I turned and focused on where i was going , i continued running , trying not to slip, the rain falling hard , making it almost impossible to see . I ran for about ten minutes and i collasped in tears . i sat there in the middle of the road , drenched in rain , lost , confused . I wanted to go back home but , i wouldnt go back to my dad , i would go back to my upset mother , and my stubborn uncle . I cried out to my dad , wishing he was here with me . I stood up and looked around not knowing where to go , since it was so foggy and nearly pitch black I couldnt tell where i had come from and where i was headed . I starred , well i guessed i was facing forward , and saw a huge black blurr head right towards me. I was frozen from fear, i couldn't move i was in shock. i thought it was a truck but it wasnt , the sound of flapping of wings echoed all around .
I prayed in my head , hoping someone would save me ! But then the five second heart attack stopped .The figure stopped a couple meters away from me . The figure approached me , a black Arabian mare . The one I saw in the field with the thoroughbreds . She stood face to face with me , water drizzled off her face . I could barley see her , she blended with the darkness . I was frozen not knowing what she would do if I moved . So I slowly backed up a step , and she stepped forward a step, . She snorted making me jump , she reared and whinnied . I backed up again hoping she wouldn't land on me , since I couldn't tell we're she was . I could Faintly hear her front hooves thunk on the ground .By now it was completely dark , to bad it was raining or I could of seen the moonlight to tell where she was . I could here hooves clunk on the ground all around I stood there scared , and cautious .
Then I felt a warm breeze go on my hand , her muzzle nuzzled my hand . I slowly turned and again she was right in front of me , I guessed because I I could feel her breath on my face , I gaged .
I raised my hand and stroked her cheek , surprisingly she didn't jump when I touched her . I worked my hand along her shoulder and walked beside my hand trying to feel her , so I wouldn't loose her again . I felt her back and there was a saddle with this stem sticking out of the back of the Saddle .I felt them , they lead away from her body , and where almost solid and then the began to get feathery . I stroke across feeling thousands of feathers .
"What are you ?" I asked . she reared and the sound of flapping began again . I was pushed back from all this air pressure .
"Your a Pegasus !" I said ."awesome " she landed again and she nipped at my arm , then she bit down on my sweater an she lead my to her back. I felt her back and tried to find the saddle horn . I found it and pulled myself up.

Mystery / ThrillerWhen I got to the end of the drive way I stopped and noticed it was raining ,I looked at our neighbours feild , I pulled my hood over my head and ran down the gravel road that lead beside the field . Thunder and lighting rumbled and flashed I kept...