Rainy skys

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When I had gotten comfortably on her back . I patted her neck well at least I thought it was her neck , it might of been her shoulder .

And told her " Come on girl , lets go ." she whinnied and started forward at a slight trot that turned into a full out gallop In seconds . When she was running at her most fastest we started to rise , I couldn't really tell how long her wings where , but they must of been at least four to five meters . I also couldn't tell how high we where , but it must of been pretty high , because my stomach was turning like crazy . I didn't mind riding a pegasi , except I had no ideas what so ever on how to tell where we were going, and I was a little freaked out , because apparently pagasi were real. And if pegasi are real, the what other mystical creatures are real ? I kept asking myself that .

I also asked myself how the heck can she see in this rain and darkness ? She climbed higher and I leaned close to her neck , then she flew above then I could feel myself falling back. She was climbing straight up to the centre of the storm I squeezed my legs tight and I gripped her mane with all my might . I closed my eyes , which really didn't make a difference I still saw all black . Her head started bobbing trying to pull herself up . The rain stung me like paint balls , thunder roared In my ears , lightning flashes every 20 seconds giving me a quick second of light . every time the lightning flashed all i could see was the scary shadows of the angry clouds .

The winds howl caught in my hood , Flipping it back , taking away the protection from my head .

I held my breath , any minute now we would be so high up that we would suffocate .

When I thought I couldn't hold by breath any longer , it went silent . And I let my breath out , gasping . She stopped climbing and started to glide , I hesitated on opening my eyes . But I ignored my fear , and let my eye lids flicker open .we were above the storm , white fluffy clouds that were glittering like water the moonlight made the clouds look like blue cotton candy . I felt like I was dreaming .

For two seconds I felt at peace , then a growl came from below the light flicked on an off below us . The storm was still there but we were completely safe .

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