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"Aurora, we have to leave."

"Why Samuel?"

"He is coming for our children."



a/n HI! A little disclaimer,
This is my first Harry Potter related fanfiction ever so don't judge me if the facts aren't hundred percent accurate and also, my first language isn't English so I'm bound to make mistakes! Just keep that in mind.

I don't own any of the characters that where made up by J.K Rowling herself and I don't own the original plot of her and the Warner Brothers!

I hope you enjoy reading x


a/n 27-11-16.

Hey guys! Yesterday the most gorgeous girl I have ever met, dystutopia, made a trailer for this fanfiction! I am soooo greatful for this warm hearted act and all the support that I have been getting for all my work. Please follow her and make sure to watch the trailer so that you can crawl safely into the world of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince!

Talía (sqdgirl)


a/n 22-10-20

Hi everyone!

Since about two months ago this story has gotten a lot of attention and reads. I'm super grateful for all the people that have taken the time to read this story! But please keep in mind that it was quite some time ago when I wrote it. Not only have I changed but the world around me also has changed a lot.

My writing and spelling aren't the best so please bare with me.

The last chapter of the story has been flooded with many comments. I'm happy to read constructive criticism about how I could improve my writing but this is not a place to post hate.

If I were to rewrite this story now, I would do a lot of things differently. But I'm not rewriting or adding anything so please respect that.

I hope you enjoy this story nonetheless and if you're interested in reading more of my work I've recently started a new Draco Malfoy fanfiction called Year 7.

That would be all!


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